/Trump and Biden news – live: Ex-president in media blitz as White House sends disaster relief to icy Texas

Trump and Biden news – live: Ex-president in media blitz as White House sends disaster relief to icy Texas

Related video: Trump says ‘a lot of great polls out there’ when asked if he’ll run again in 2024

Donald Trump should be allowed to return to Twitter, Microsoft’s billionaire founder Bill Gates has said, telling CNBC he thinks it is eventually likely to happen while admitting that the ex-president’s false narrative that his election defeat to Joe Biden was the result of fraud was “corrosive”.

Republican senator Ted Cruz is meanwhile under pressure after being accused of going on holiday to balmy Cancun, Mexico, while his home state of Texas is shivering through its sixth day of biting low temperatures and heavy snow, which has left pipes frozen and millions still without power as Mr Biden’s administration responds by sending out disaster relief measures, including diesel fuel and generators.

Mr Trump has meanwhile been on a media blitz following the death of conservative talk radio polemicist Rush Limbaugh, remarking that there are “a lot of great polls out there” when asked if he will run for president again in 2024.


READ: Ted Cruz releases statement on Cancun trip

“This has been an infuriating week for Texans. The greatest state in the greatest country in the world has been without power. We have food lines, gas lines, and people sleeping at the neighbours’ houses. Our homes are freezing and our lights are out. Like millions of Texans, our family lost heat and power too.

“With school cancelled for the week, our girls asked to take a trip with friends. Wanting to be a good dad, I flew down with them last night and am flying back this afternoon. My staff and I are in constant communication with state and local leaders to get to the bottom of what happened in Texas. We want our power back, our water on, and our homes warm. My team and I will continue using all our resources to keep Texans informed and safe.”

Justin Vallejo18 February 2021 18:20


Latest from the White House press briefing aucio-only conference call

I can hear you… is that an echo?

I can hear you… is that an echo?

Justin Vallejo18 February 2021 18:08


White House press briefing begins

Today’s briefing with press secretary is audio-only due to the weather.

Justin Vallejo18 February 2021 18:00


New York’s mayor turns on governor over Covid nursing home cover-up

Its city against state as New York mayor Bill de Blasio calls for a Department of Justice investigation of New York governor Andrew Cuomo.

In an interview with Morning Joe, De Blasio said Cuomo’s “bullying” of lawmakers criticising the withholding of nursing home death toll numbers wasn’t exactly breaking news withing the Democratic party.

Democratic assemblyman Ron Kim told CNN that Cuomo called him last week to make the “traumatizing” threats, an allegation that an adviser to the governor denied to the outlet.

“Cuomo called me directly on Thursday to threaten my career if I did not cover up for Melissa [DeRosa] and what she said. He tried to pressure me to issue a statement, and it was a very traumatizing experience,” Kim said. Cuomo proceeded to tell the assemblyman that “we’re in this business together and we don’t cross certain lines and he said I hadn’t seen his wrath and that he can destroy me,” Kim told CNN.

DeRosa told lawmakers last week that the state delayed sharing the nursing home death toll over concerns about a Justice Department probe.

That’s some “classic Andrew Cuomo”, said de Blasio.

“A lot of people in New York state have received those phone calls. The bullying is nothing new,” he said.

“It’s very, very sad. No public servant, no person who’s telling the truth should be treated that way.”

Here is some more classic Cuomo: American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic

In hardcover for $18 on Amazon.

(Penguin Random House)

Justin Vallejo18 February 2021 17:57


Trump progeny put Maga dynasty on hold as ex-president mulls 2024 run

While Ivanka and Don Jr aren’t planning on entering the political fray any time soon, Lara (Trump by marriage to Eric) may make a Senate run in North Carolina, according to a new report.

That leaves the family patriarch as the most likely to re-enter politics after he refused to rule out a 2024 presidential bid during his media blitz comeback.

Bloomberg had the scoop, saying Ivanka called Marco Rubio on 2 February to say she doesn’t plan to run against him in 2022.

Don Jr, meanwhile, reportedly also doesn’t plan to run next election cycle despite a push to have him challenge Liz Cheney in Wyoming.

That leaves Lara Trump, who plans to move to Florida but may by a house in her native North Carolina to run for the seat of retiring Senator Richard Burr, according to Bloomberg’s sources.

Justin Vallejo18 February 2021 17:37


Former presidential candidate Bob Dole announces he has stage four cancer

In a statement released on Thursday, the 97-year-old former senator for Kansas said he would begin treatment on Monday.

“While I certainly have some hurdles ahead, I also know that I join millions of Americans who face significant health challenges of their own,” he said.

Mr Dole represented Kansas from 1969 to 1996, before a White House run challenging incumbent president Bill Clinton.

Oliver O’Connell has the story.

Justin Vallejo18 February 2021 17:19


Texas governor Greg Abbott facing calls to step down over power chaos

Gilberto Hinojosa, chair of the Texas Democratic party is leading the charge for his ousting, saying Abbot’s “lack of foresight and inability to manage this crisis is part of a repeated pattern.”

Gino Spocchia has the latest.

Joe Sommerlad18 February 2021 16:45


The Simpsons’ Rush Limbaugh parody enjoys timely revival

With the passing of the right-wing radio host who “trafficked in bigotry and cruelty” (as Rolling Stone put it), it’s worth taking a moment to bask in this glorious Simpsons parody of his blustering persona.

Birch Barlow (voiced by Harry Shearer) was first introduced in the 1994 episode “Sideshow Bob Roberts” and went on to become a semi-regular recurring character, superbly sending up conservative whataboutery.

Rush Limbaugh parody ‘Birch Barlow’ appears on The Simpsons

Joe Sommerlad18 February 2021 16:25


More evidence of ‘Flyin’ Ted’ hypocrisy emerges over Cancun jolly

Here’s one for all you fans of flagrant double-standards out there…

Apparently the Houston Police Department have been asked to guard him at the airport when he arrives home.

Joe Sommerlad18 February 2021 16:05


Trump economic advisor caught on hot mic swearing about Kamala Harris

Trump’s former National Economic Council director was picked up by Fox News mics calling the veep’s criticism of the preceeding administration’s lacklustre vaccination efforts: “Bulls***! Bulls***! Bulls***!”

Kudlow was appearing as a guest pundit on America Reports when the a clip from Harris’s recent Axios on HBO was run, provoking his seething reponse.

Here’s James Crump with the inevitable grovelling apology.

Joe Sommerlad18 February 2021 15:45