/Covid news — live: Over-56s invited for vaccine as one in three worried schools are reopening too early

Covid news — live: Over-56s invited for vaccine as one in three worried schools are reopening too early

UK Covid-19 vaccinations: Latest figures

People aged between 56 and 59 are being invited to book their first Covid-19 vaccination doses this week.

Hundreds of thousands of letters for the age group began landing on doorsteps on Saturday, and the latest round of invites comes after eight in 10 people aged 65-69 took up the offer of a jab, NHS England said.

More than 18 million people across England – more than one third of the adult population – have already received a vaccine.

Meanwhile, an exclusive poll for The Independent suggests more than a third of the public fear prime minister Boris Johnson could be making a mistake by reopening schools in England next week.

Pupils across England will return to the classroom on Monday for the first time since January, in the initial stage of the government’s new “roadmap” back to normality.

However the poll shows 37 per cent of people believe the government is moving too swiftly when it comes to schools.


Gavin Williamson awards £190m contract to French firm behind school meals voucher ‘shambles’

Education secretary Gavin Williamson approved a £190m contract with the company blamed for “unacceptable delays” in the school meals voucher scheme, it has emerged.

French company Edenred was criticised last year after its website failed to cope with demand during the first lockdown, leaving thousands of parents and teachers unable to access the system.

Peter Stubley has more on this:

Chiara Giordano7 March 2021 10:10


‘Restoration of normality’ should ease mental health difficulties for most children, says Ofsted chief

Ofsted chief inspector Amanda Spielman said for the “vast majority of children the restoration of normality” should be enough to “lift those symptoms” of mental health difficulties like loneliness and anxiety.

But she added: “There is a minority, let’s hope it’s not too large a minority, whose problems have increased. Things like eating disorders, things like self harming … everybody needs to be alert to these.”

Chiara Giordano7 March 2021 09:57


Changes to summer holidays and longer school days are being considered, says education secretary

Gavin Williamson has confirmed a change to the summer holidays and longer school days are part of proposals being examined to help pupils catch up on lost learning during the pandemic.

The education secretary told Sky News’ Sophy Ridge On Sunday: “There is a whole range of different proposals that we are looking at, whether it is a five-term year, whether it is lengthening the school day.

“But also measures such as enhancing the support we give to teachers, supporting them in their professional development, making sure they can be the very best of themselves.”

He said Sir Kevan Collins, the government’s education recovery commissioner, would be looking at what measures to introduce over the next 18 months.

Chiara Giordano7 March 2021 09:40


Tony Blackburn misses Sunday radio show after death of sister from Covid

Tony Blackburn has said he will miss his weekly Sunday radio show following the death of his sister Jackie with Covid-19.

Louis Chilton has more details:

Chiara Giordano7 March 2021 09:28


Children ‘adaptable and flexible’ to mask-wearing and testing, says Ofsted chief

Amanda Spielman, Ofsted chief inspector, has said children are “adaptable and flexible” around things like mask-wearing and testing in schools, and “can live with a little bit of inconvenience for a few weeks”.

She told Sophy Ridge on Sky News: “I think the overwhelming thing we’re seeing is the vast majority of parents, the vast majority of children and the vast majority of teachers are really happy to be going back to school.

“I really hope the whole paraphernalia of masks and testing is only necessary for a short time … I love the idea of children being able to come back in summer term able to see everybody fully.”

She said current Ofsted monitoring visits have shown “the extraordinary efforts that schools have been putting into remote education”.

Chiara Giordano7 March 2021 09:15


Large numbers of nurses could leave NHS in wake of pay row, union warns

The Royal College of Nursing has warned large numbers of nurses could leave the profession in the wake of the escalating row over pay.

Ministers have been accused of snatching a 2.1 per cent pay rise, promised prior to the pandemic, from NHS workers following the government’s 1 per cent pay offer in the coming weeks.

Our Whitehall editor Kate Devlin explains:

Chiara Giordano7 March 2021 09:06


Poll: One in three worry schools are opening too early

More than a third of the public fear Boris Johnson could be making a mistake by reopening schools in England on Monday, a new poll suggests.

The exclusive poll for The Independent shows 37 per cent of people believe the government is moving too swiftly when it comes to schools.

Our Whitehall editor Kate Devlin explains:

Chiara Giordano7 March 2021 08:52


Over-56s invited for vaccine

People aged between 56 and 59 in England can now book a coronavirus vaccination.

Invitation letters were sent out by the NHS on Saturday for the latest stage of the rollout in a bid to meet the target of offering a first dose to all adults by 31 July.

Peter Stubley has more details:

Chiara Giordano7 March 2021 08:48


Good morning and welcome to The Independent’s live coverage of the coronavirus crisis. Stay tuned for rolling updates and statistics from across the globe.

Chiara Giordano7 March 2021 08:44