/Afghanistan live: Taliban says Panjshir valley completely captured but resistance forces deny claim

Afghanistan live: Taliban says Panjshir valley completely captured but resistance forces deny claim

<p>Afghan resistance movement and anti-Taliban uprising forces take part in a military training at Malimah area of Dara district in Panjshir</p>

Afghan resistance movement and anti-Taliban uprising forces take part in a military training at Malimah area of Dara district in Panjshir

(AFP via Getty Images)

The Taliban has claimed that they have completely controlled the Afghan province of Panjshir but the National Resistance Force disputed the claim as “false.”

“With this victory, our country is completely taken out of the quagmire of war,” a Taliban spokesman said.

Countering the claim, NRF said their force are present in all “strategic positions across the valley” to continue the fight.

On Monday, NRF said in a tweet that spokesman for the National Resistance Force, Fahim Dashti, has been killed in the fierce Taliban offensive in the Panjshir valley where the militia group was waging an intense battle.

Its commander General Abdul Wudod Zara has also been killed in the battle as the NRF called for “immediate cessation of hostilities.”

In another Facebook post, Ahmad Massoud, the head of NRF, said he supported the plans for settlement by peace talks as put forward by the put forward by religious clerics.

The Taliban is yet to respond to the appeal of ceasefire and confirm the death of Dashti.

The Taliban earlier said they had triumphed over the last resistance forces in the Panjshir Valley, north of Kabul, but rebels dispute this.

Meanwhile, the UN chief will convene a meeting in Geneva to discuss the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan on 13 September. UN spokesman said they will appeal “for full and unimpeded humanitarian access to make sure Afghans continue to get the essential services they need.”

Sign The Independent’s petition urging the UK to take in more refugees from Afghanistan here.


NRF says Taliban’s claim of occupying Panjshir ‘false’

National Resistance force has denied Taliban’s claims of taking full control of Panjshir valley.

The NRF said in a tweet that their forces are still holding all strategic positions across the valley and the battle is going on continue.

“We assure the ppl of Afghanistan that the struggle against the Taliban & their partners will continue until justice & freedom prevails,” it said.

Earlier today, Taliban claimed that their forces have “completely captured” the Panjshir valley.

Shweta Sharma6 September 2021 06:42


Flights with US citizens held up in Afghanistan as confusion reigns after withdrawal

A group of American citizens and were reportedly trapped in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif on Sunday without permission to take off from Taliban officials, as it remains unclear whether the militant group currently has the ability to facilitate international flights.

In a letter to members of Congress from the State Department obtained by CBS News, the agency confirmed that multiple charter flights were waiting to take off from Mazar-i-Sharif’s international airport but had yet to receive permission to do so from local Taliban authorities.

Read John Bowden’s detailed report here:

Shweta Sharma6 September 2021 06:22


Taliban allegedly shoot dead Afghan policewoman

A Afghan policewoman Banu Negar has been allegedly shot dead by a Taliban militant in Firozkoh, the capital of central Ghor province, according to media reports.

The Taliban has denied the involvement in the killing and said they are investigating the matter.

The militants of the Islamist group allegedly beat her and shot her in front of her family members at her home on Saturday, three sources told BBC.

The graphic pictures showed by the relatives of the woman showed blood on a wall of the house and the body with the face disfigured.

Shweta Sharma6 September 2021 06:15


Taliban spokesperson says group in complete control of Panjshir province in Afghanistan: report

The province was the last remaining stronghold against the Taliban in the country.

Read The Independent’s detailed report here:

Shweta Sharma6 September 2021 06:06


Panjshir valley ‘completely captured’: Taliban

Taliban has claimed that the Panjshir Valley is “completely” in control of the group after days of fierce fighting against the National Resistance Force of Afghanistan.

“With this victory, our country is completely taken out of the quagmire of war,” Taliban chief spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said in a statement.

Pictures on social media showed Taliban members standing in front of the gate of the Panjshir provincial governor’s compound.

Shweta Sharma6 September 2021 05:49


National Resistance Front spokesman Fahim Dashti killed

National Resistance Front of Afghanistan has said in a tweet that the militia group’s spokesman Fahim Dashty and General Abdul Wudod Zara were killed in the fighting.

Dashty was advicing group’s leader Ahmad Massoud at the time of his assassination, according to media reports.

Shweta Sharma6 September 2021 05:43


Top Republican says Taliban holding Americans ‘hostage’ at Mazar-e-Sharif airport

Representative Michael McCaul of Texas has claimed that there are six airplanes at the Mazar-e-Sharif airport with American citizens and Afghan interpreters on board which the Taliban are “holding them hostage” right now.

A worker at the Mazar-e-Sharif airport has also confirmed that several planes are parked at the airport and Taliban is holding them leaving. The worker said Taliban wanted to check the passengers document.

Speaking to “Fox News Sunday,” McCaul accused the Taliban of making demands and said the planes have been at the airport for “last couple of days”.

“They’re going to demand more and more, whether it be cash or legitimacy as the government of Afghanistan,” he said.

Shweta Sharma6 September 2021 05:32


Good morning, and welcome to The Independent’s rolling coverage of Afghanistan. Stay tuned as we bring you the latest updates.

Sam Hancock6 September 2021 05:30