/Yorkshire cricket news – live: Azeem Rafiq questioned by MPs on racism allegations

Yorkshire cricket news – live: Azeem Rafiq questioned by MPs on racism allegations

<p>Azeem Rafiq is giving evidence to MPs following Yorkshire cricket racism allegations</p>

Azeem Rafiq is giving evidence to MPs following Yorkshire cricket racism allegations


Former Yorkshire cricketer Azeem Rafiq and the county club’s ex-chairman Roger Hutton will provide evidence today to a Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport select committee hearing on Tuesday following allegations of racism in the club.

Rafiq will appear before the committee after a report stated he was the victim of “racial harassment and bullying”. Despite the findings, the club said they would not be disciplining anyone.

Backlash from the decision led to the resignation of ex-chairman Hutton on 5 November he maintained that “nobody at Yorkshire was racist”.

Tom Harrison, chief executive of the England and Wales Cricket Board (ECB), and its chair Barry O’Brien will also appear before the committee as they answer questions surrounding their part in the scandal.

Rafiq will provide evidence first, followed by Hutton and then Harrison and O’Brien at around 11.15am GMT.

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Giles Watling MP on Rafiq on returning to Yorkshire cricket club

Giles Watling MP asks if Rafiq would help Yorkshire cricket club in the future if it asked.

“I’ve been brave enough to call an institution out. In the short term I’d prefer to sit on the outside and keep holding them to account so they know someone’s watching,” Rafiq said in response.

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 11:09


Yorkshire thought they could ‘hide’ racism issues

“When I saw that I was staggered,” Rafiq said in response to confirmations that no one at Yorkshire cricket club would face disciplinary action.

“While the investigation was live and tjhey were aware of the allegations against Gary, Gary was made captain again and given a three-year contract by these leaders.

Rafiq added that Yorkshire cricket club “genuinely thought they could hide” racism issues.

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 11:04


Criminal barrister Anna Soubry calls revelation from hearing ‘disgraceful’

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 11:01


Steve Brine MP questions Rafiq

“I’ve had messages from people at Leicester, at Middlesex, at Nottinghamshire, so from quite a few,” says Rafiq in response to Steve Brine MP. “Some people are still pretty scared to talk about it. The one reoccurrence was the word ‘P***’ was used a lot,”

Azeem Rafiq giving evidence to MPs (House of Commons Handout/PA).

(PA Media)

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 11:00


‘You have no case’ PCA lawyers said claims Rafiq after three minute conversation

Rafiq said a PCA lawyer told him he didn’t have a case after a three minute conversation. He said it later came out that if they backed him it would have taken their whole budget.

“I would have rather they said we can’t afford it as opposed to saying you’ve got no case. It made me feel like no one believed me,” Rafiq said.

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 10:58


Racism worse in cricket than in everyday life, Rafiq says

When asked about racism in his life outside of cricket, Rafiq said: “My everyday life for as long I’ve known it has just been cricket.”

He added that racism in cricket and professional sport is much worse than in everyday life. “Cricket is part of society. If we make changes in cricket we make changes in society. It’s such a cop out to say it’s [racism] a societal problem, every one of us is responsible for the society we live in.”

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 10:55


Matthew Hoggard apologised to Rafiq following his Sky interview

Julliet Elliot MP has asked Rafiq if anyone has reached out to apologise to him.

“After my Sky interview, I took a phonecall from Matthew Hoggard. He said look, I’m really sorry if some of the comments made you feel the way you described it,” Rafiq said adding that he really appreciated it.

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 10:50


Rafiq claims he ‘begged’ the ECB and PCA to step in

When asked if he was approached by the ECB Rafiq said he spoke to Tom Harrison following the release of the allegations. “I felt like he was listening but they took the stance that they were going to trust Yorkshire to do the right thing,” he said.

Rafiq said he “kept begging the ECB and the PCA” to step in but was reassured that Yorkshire cricket would handle it.

Rafiq says he had dark moments through the winter over the situation and at one point the PCA reported him missing. He added that this was only done to “tick a box just in case I killed myself” and not because they were concerned about him.

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 10:44


Azeem Rafiq details racist abuse suffered with Yorkshire in DCMS committee meeting

Azeem Rafiq opened his account of experiencing constant racism at Yorkshire County Cricket Club by telling a DCMS committee that he was regularly refered to as a “P***” and detailing several specific instances where he had suffered indignity and “humiliation” at the hands of those at the club.

Yorkshire has been widely criticised over the racism scandal, which saw chairman Roger Hutton resign earlier in November and several directors later follow suit.

Rafiq told the DCMS meeting that derogatory terms were commonplace and a culture of racist abuse was almost non-stop throughout his time with Yorkshire.

Karl Matchett has the full story below:

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 10:39


Clive Efford MP questions Rafid about his experience at Derby cricket club

Clive Efford MP questioned Rafiq about his loan experience at Derby cricket club.

“I had the most enjoyable month on loan at Derby. From the minute I got there the captain and coach made me feel valued,” Rafiq said.

Rafiq added that he was only there for a month so can’t speak to the wider issues at the club. “Representation there is in short,” he added.

Thomas Kingsley16 November 2021 10:37