/Boris Johnson news- live: PM promises plan to give every child an ‘opportunity to thrive’

Boris Johnson news- live: PM promises plan to give every child an ‘opportunity to thrive’

<p>UK prime minister Boris Johnson reacts as he paints a portrait of the Queen during a drawing session with children as part of his visit at the Field End Infant school, in South Ruislip, on 6 May 2022 in London, England</p>

UK prime minister Boris Johnson reacts as he paints a portrait of the Queen during a drawing session with children as part of his visit at the Field End Infant school, in South Ruislip, on 6 May 2022 in London, England

(Getty Images)

Boris Johnson on Sunday promised to give every child an “opportunity to thrive” in school as the ministers look to crackdown truancy, beef up the powers of education watchdogs and reform the funding system in new legislation.

Under the plan, England’s schools will be required to publish an attendance policy and there will be compulsory registers for children who are not in classrooms so the authorities can identify who is not receiving a full-time education.

Prime minister said education was “at the very heart of this Government’s agenda”.

“We are determined to raise standards in our schools so every child has access to the same opportunities wherever they live, and our brilliant teachers are supported to do what they do best, which is why we’re putting our education ambition into law this week,” he added.

Earlier on Sunday, the prime minister reiterated his support for Ukraine, as he told G7 leaders “the world must go further and faster” to support the war-torn country against Kremlin’s invading forces.

Mr Johnson agreed with G7 leaders that the “world must intensify economic pressure” on Mr Putin as he pushed for “military equipment” support for Kyiv.


Metropolitan police fines ‘issued over No 10 Christmas party’

Metropolitan Police are believed to have begun issuing more fines to Downing Street staff over gatherings held in government offices during Covid lockdown curbs.

Scotland Yard is starting to hand out fines over a Christmas party held at No 10 on 18 December 2020, according to the Daily Mirror.

Scotland Yard would not confirm if fines had yet been issued over the event – held while London was in strict Tier 3 measures – but it is one of 12 events its Operation Hillman team is investigating.

My colleague Adam Forrest has the details:

Namita Singh9 May 2022 06:08


Civil servant wins six-figure sum over Ministry of Justice racism

A former civil servant received a six-figure pay-out from the government over discrimination after she says was subjected to “insidious” racism during a 20-year battle with the Ministry of Justice.

Olivea Ebanks, 58, worked at the ministry for almost 20 years and took it to court three times; in 2008, 2011 and finally in 2020 for cases respectively won, lost and settled, The Independent’s race correspondent Nadine White reports in this exclusive.

During that time, an internal investigation within the prison service found there was scope for institutional racism yet the ministry has denied such issues plague the department.

Ms Ebanks claims she was called racially insulting names by a manager, prevented from progressing her career and had her out-of-work activities monitored.

Read the details in this report:

Namita Singh9 May 2022 06:01


Ukraine needs military equipment to hold and recapture ground, says UK PM

G7 leaders on Sunday agreed that the world must intensify economic pressure on Russia’s president Vladimir Putin in any way possible, said prime minister Boris Johnson’s office on Sunday.

“The world must go further and faster to support Ukraine,” Mr Johnson told the G7 leaders.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks in front of a live video feed showing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the Tate Modern on 5 May 2022 in London, England

(Getty Images)

“Ukraine needed to receive military equipment that allowed them to not just hold ground in Ukraine, but recapture it,” he said, according to his office.

Namita Singh9 May 2022 05:39


Government poised to ditch Northern Ireland protocol unless EU backs down

Boris Johnson’s government is threatening to tear up the Northern Ireland protocol unless the EU agrees to ditch border checks soon, despite warnings the row could spark a “horrific” trade war.

The Independent understands that foreign secretary Liz Truss is pushing for unilateral action unless there is a quick and significant change in stance by Brussels to remove checks on goods agreed in the Brexit withdrawal deal.

A Foreign Office source said a compromise appeared unlikely after European Commission negotiator Maros Sefcovic recently made clear in a call to Ms Truss that the EU could not go beyond its existing proposals to ease only some checks.

Namita Singh9 May 2022 05:36


Ukrainian refugees placed with unvetted hosts in unchecked homes

Ukrainian refugees have been placed with unvetted hosts and in unsuitable homes because the government has yet to give councils any funding for vital safety checks.

Hosting arrangements under the Homes for Ukraine route are already breaking down, as it emerged the required DBS background checks are not always being done before refugees arrive in the UK.

Families who have fled the war have been forced to pay for hotel rooms or register as homeless after discovering their sponsor’s housing is unsuitable, with reports of rodent infestations, broken boilers and hosts with drug addictions.

Read the details in this report by our social affairs correspondent May Bulman.

Namita Singh9 May 2022 05:34


PM promises schools plan to give every child ‘opportunity to thrive’

Boris Johnson promised ‘ to raise standards in our schools so every child has access to the same opportunities wherever they live’ as the minister gear up to crack down on truancy, beef up the powers of education watchdogs and reform the funding system in new legislation.

Under the plans, which will form part of the Queen’s Speech on Tuesday, England’s schools will be required to publish an attendance policy and there will be compulsory registers for children who are not in classrooms so the authorities can identify who is not receiving a full-time education.

The measures will ensure pupils benefit from “every possible hour in the classroom”, education secretary Nadhim Zahawi said.

We are determined to raise standards in our schools so every child has access to the same opportunities wherever they live, and our brilliant teachers are supported to do what they do best, which is why we’re putting our education ambition into law this week

Boris Johnson

UK prime minister Boris Johnson looks at a child painting during a visit at the Field End Infant school, in South Ruislip, on 6 May 2022 in London, England

(Getty Images)

Namita Singh9 May 2022 05:18


Welcome to The Independent’s liveblog for 5 May 2022 , where we provided the latest updates on UK politics.

Namita Singh9 May 2022 04:52