/Coronavirus news – live: Boris Johnson preparing to announce easing 2-metre rule and pubs reopening on 4 July as WHO reports record daily increase in global infections

Coronavirus news – live: Boris Johnson preparing to announce easing 2-metre rule and pubs reopening on 4 July as WHO reports record daily increase in global infections

Coronavirus UK update: Latest as Boris Johnson preparing to announce easing 2-metre rule and pubs reopening | The Independent


Monday 22 June 2020 09:08

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Related video: Matt Hancock commits to coronavirus lockdown easing from 4 July

Boris Johnson and his most senior ministers are meeting to finalise plans for reopening pubs, restaurants, hotels and restaurants next week on 4 July.

The prime minister is expected to announce the next steps for easing the UK coronavirus lockdown on Tuesday, including a likely loosening of the two-metre rule.

It comes after the World Health Organisation (WHO) reported the biggest daily rise in global coronavirus cases on Sunday – with the total rising by 183,020 to 8.7 million cases.

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Russia reports more than 7,000 new cases

Russia has reported 7,600 new coronavirus cases, pushing its nationwide total to 592,280 – the world’s third largest tally.

The coronavirus taskforce response said 95 people had died in the past 24 hours, bringing the official death toll to 8,206.


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Fears of second wave in Germany

Concerns have been raised over a second wave of coronavirus in Germany where the reproduction rate of Covid-19 has spiked from 1.06 to 2.88 in the span of two days following a string of localised outbreaks.

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) said on Saturday the R number jumped to 1.79 on Saturday and 2.88 on Sunday, far higher than what is needed to contain the outbreak over a longer period of time.

My colleague Kate Ng has more on this story below:


Sewage tested for Covid-19 in new trial

Sewage is being tested for traces of Covid-19 in a trial aimed at helping monitor the spread of coronavirus in Scotland.

As part of the trial, samples from waste water at treatment works in each of the 14 NHS Scotland health board areas will be analysed by Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Sepa) scientists.

They are building on exploratory work started by Scottish Water and academic partners from the University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute to monitor the levels of fragments of Covid-19 ribonucleic acid (RNA) in waste water.

Experts hope the data could help them understand trends in the prevalence and distribution of the virus in Scotland, in combination with community testing and hospital admissions data.

The samples are estimated to represent waste water from between 40% and 50% of the Scottish population.
The World Health Organisation has said there is currently no evidence that coronavirus has been transmitted via sewerage systems.



Work to ease lockdown ‘taking place at pace’, says security minister

When asked if the two-metre social distancing rule is going to be reduced, security minister James Brokenshire told BBC Breakfast: “There has been a great deal of work that’s been taking place at pace over the last number of days, informed by the science, informed by experience from around the world as well, as to how we can appropriately look at easements and appropriately also reflect on the two-metre rule as well.”

He added the international experience and understanding of the virus had evolved in recent weeks and the decision would be informed by “the best, most up-to-date science” and medical experience.


WHO reports biggest daily increase in global infections

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has reported 183,000 new cases of Covid-19 worldwide in the biggest daily increase since the start of the outbreak.

The UN health agency said on Sunday that 183,020 cases were recorded in the latest 24-hour period, bringing the global total to more than 8.7 million.

Brazil led the way with 54,771 of the daily total, followed by the US with 36,617. Over 15,400 came were in India.

My colleague
Peter Stubley has more on this below:



PM finalises next steps for easing lockdown and reopening hospitality sector

Boris Johnson is meeting with his most senior ministers today to finalise the next steps for easing the lockdown.

The prime minister is expected to announce plans for reopening pubs, restaurants, hotels and hairdressers in England from 4 July on Tuesday.

A loosening of the two-metre social distancing rule is also thought to be on the cards to help restart the economy.

Officials are understood to be looking at a “guest book” measures which would require customers to leave their contact details at pubs and bars so they can be swiftly traced if they contract coronavirus.

My colleague Peter Stubley has more on this story below:


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