/Coronavirus news – live: Elderly could be asked to shield again and London locked down in radical plan to halt second wave

Coronavirus news – live: Elderly could be asked to shield again and London locked down in radical plan to halt second wave

UK coronavirus update live: Latest news and stats as London could go into lockdown again | The Independent


Sunday 2 August 2020 09:10

Related video: Boris Johnson postpones further lockdown lifting as coronavirus rise across England

Elderly people could reportedly be asked to shield again, while London could face tougher lockdown restrictions as part of a government blueprint to avoid a second coronavirus wave.

Boris Johnson held a “war game” session with chancellor Rishi Sunak on Wednesday to run through possible options for averting another nationwide lockdown that could stall any potential economic recovery, The Sunday Times reports.

A greater number of people would be asked to take part in the shielding programme, based on their age or particular risk factors that have been identified since March, according to The Sunday Telegraph.

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Other ideas floated include restricting travel beyond the M25 to stop people travelling in and out of the capital and putting an end to overnight stays at other people’s houses.


Boris Johnson is facing calls to resume daily press conferences to keep the public informed about coronavirus, after new evidence showed as many as a third do not know the main symptoms of the disease.

Newly-released minutes from a meeting of the government’s scientific advisory group for emergencies (Sage) revealed concern that as few of 65 per cent of people are aware that a persistent cough and fever can be telltale signs of Covid-19 infection.

The government’s “test, trace and isolate” strategy to bear down on coronavirus relies heavily on the public coming forward for testing if they display any indications of infection which may not be debilitating enough for them to seek medical treatment or even take to their beds.


London ‘could face localised lockdown if cases spike’

Boris Johnson is reportedly considering localised lockdown-like conditions for London if there is a spike in coronavirus infections in the capital.

The prime minister is said to be looking at restricting travel beyond the M25 and putting a stop to overnight stays at other people’s houses – similar to policies seen in Leicester and parts of the northern England – to avoid a second wave.

The ideas are part of a government blueprint drawn up by government officials to avoid a second national lockdown, according to The Sunday Times and The Sunday Telegraph.

However, Downing Street sources distanced themselves from the detail in the reports, calling them “speculative”.


According to reports that emerged overnight, elderly people and others at increased risk from coronavirus could be asked to stay home again under government plans to avoid a second national lockdown.

Young and healthy people would be able to move around freely under the proposal for “differential” shielding of the vulnerable, who could be allocated specific times of the week for exclusive access to shops, The Sunday Telegraph reported.

Other proposals reported to be under consideration include a city-wide lockdown of London if cases spike in the capital, tougher quarantine overseas arrivals, and stricter local lockdowns.


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