/Coronavirus news – live: Obese people may be told to stay at home if second wave hits, with schools to stay open for as long as possible

Coronavirus news – live: Obese people may be told to stay at home if second wave hits, with schools to stay open for as long as possible

Coronavirus news live: Latest updates as obese people could be ordered to stay home if second wave hits | The Independent


Sunday 9 August 2020 09:08

Obese people could reportedly be told to stay at home in the event of a second coronavirus wave.

Over 50s would also be included in a “more sophisticated model” of lockdown, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

It comes as Boris Johnson spoke of a “moral duty” to get all children back in school amid indications he would force pubs, restaurants and shops to close in the event of severe coronavirus flare-ups.

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The prime minister is understood to favour only closing schools as a last resort after scientific advisers warned more restrictions may be needed to reopen classrooms in England next month.

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Schools to stay open as long as possible

Boris Johnson has spoken of “a moral duty” to get all children back in class amid indications he would force pubs, restaurants and shops to close ahead of schools in the event of severe coronavirus flare-ups.

The prime minister is understood to favour only closing schools as the last resort, the Press Association reported, after scientific advisers warned more restrictions may be needed to reopen classrooms in England next month.

Children’s commissioner for England Anne Longfield had said the reopening of schools “should be prioritised”, insisting they must be first to reopen and last to close during any reintroduction of restrictions.

But schools minister Nick Gibb said this week that the government cannot “decree” that classroom education would be prioritised, instead saying decisions would be made by local health chiefs.


Obese people could be told to stay home in second wave

Obese people could reportedly be told to stay at home in the event of a second coronavirus wave.

Over 50s would also be included in a “more sophisticated model” of lockdown, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

A Cabinet minister told the paper the plan was to have a “stiletto not a sledgehammer” approach to any future lockdowns.

Referring to the government, they said: “They are understanding that age does come into it.

“The shielding cohort is way too broad – you can’t say that every fat person has to shield. It will be more subtle.”


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