/Boris Johnson news – live: PM must tackle A-level results crisis within 24 hours, says Keir Starmer as top Tories call for GCSE delay

Boris Johnson news – live: PM must tackle A-level results crisis within 24 hours, says Keir Starmer as top Tories call for GCSE delay

Boris Johnson news live: Latest A-level results updates as Keir Starmer urges PM to tackle crisis within 24 hours | The Independent


Monday 17 August 2020 09:27

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer called on Boris Johnson to take “personal responsibility” for fixing the deepening A-levels crisis in England – accusing him of having been “invisible” throughout the turmoil.

The prime minister had been expected to be on holiday in Scotland this week – but Labour is demanding he hold a press conference today to explain how he intends to right the “historic injustice” suffered by pupils who had had their grades marked down.

It comes as former Tory education secretary Lord Baker urged ministers to delay Thursday’s GCSE results until A-levels problems were resolved. Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith said the algorithm used to mark down A-level grades should be abandoned.

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Raab: UK does not accept Belarus election result

The UK has refused to accept the result of the Belarus presidential election as protests continued against the rule of Alexander Lukashenko.

Foreign secretary Dominic Raab said the vote was “fraudulent” and condemned the violence from the Belarusian authorities as they attempted to crack down on the protests. Raab’s comments come three days after the European Union said it did not recognise the results.

The foreign secretary called for an independent investigation by the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).

He said: “The world has watched with horror at the violence used by the Belarusian authorities to suppress the peaceful protests that followed this fraudulent presidential election. The UK does not accept the results.

“We urgently need an independent investigation through the OSCE into the flaws that rendered the election unfair, as well as the grisly repression that followed.”

Demonstrators have repeatedly taken to the streets since the August 9 election which saw Lukashenko claim victory but has been condemned as rigged by critics at home and abroad.


GCSE results delay ‘right thing to do’, says Tory MP

Calls for a delay to the GCSE results continue to grow. Tory MP Stephen Hammond suggested that pushing back the results – due this Thursday – “probably is the right thing to do”.

“I am increasingly thinking that Lord Baker is probably correct,” he told Sky News.

“Unless Ofqual can ensure that what they’re going to put in place is transparent, certain and is likely to reflect true ability… I think one would have expected them to have had that sorted out by now, but if it’s not, taking another two weeks or another week to get that right rather than causing stress … would be something that we should certainly consider, and probably is the right thing to do.”

Asked whether he has full confidence in education secretary Gavin Williamson, Mr Hammond said: “Gavin Williamson needs to spend today working with Ofqual and get this sorted out.


Scrap algorithm-awarded A-levels, says Iain Duncan Smith

Former Tory leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith said the algorithm-awarded A-level grades should be abandoned, with teacher assessments or mocks used instead.

“No algorithm is going to sort our problem out, it’s a human issue,” he told LBC Radio.

He said concerns about “grade inflation” could be dealt with by accepting that 2020 would not be used as a benchmark for future years because some of the grades would have been “overcooked” by teachers.

“I think we’re left with the very simple position we have to go pretty much with the assessments or the mocks – and/or the mocks, you could do both depending when the assessments were done – and then get it over and done with.

“The idea that you have an algorithm to figure out what they might have done in an exam is really impossible and I think that’s where the big mistakes will be made.”


PM must address A-level crisis today, says Labour

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer called on Boris Johnson to take “personal responsibility” for fixing the deepening A-levels crisis in England – accusing him of having been “invisible” throughout the turmoil.

Mr Johnson had been expected to be in Scotland this week on a camping holiday with his fiancee, Carrie Symonds, and their baby son Wilfred.

But Labour is demanding he hold a press conference today to explain how he intends to right the “historic injustice” suffered by pupils who had had their grades marked down.

Starmer’s deputy Angela Rayner said: “We cannot have another week like this. The prime minister must now take personal responsibility for this crisis by addressing the country in the next 24 hours to explain precisely how he will end this historic injustice.

Downing Street was unable to say whether the trip to Scotland would go ahead.


Northern Ireland to let teachers decide GCSE grades 

Northern Irish GCSE students will be given grades decided by their teachers after an outcry over the use of an algorithm to award marks for A-level.

Peter Weir, the education minister for the Northern Ireland executive, announced the move to ditch algorithm just days before the publication of results on Thursday, but said the change would not cause a delay.

As in other parts of the United Kingdom, students in NI complained after more than a third of predicted A-level grades were downgraded.

“Having received advice from CCEA and listened to the concerns of school leaders, teachers, parents and young people, I have decided that all GCSE candidates will now be awarded the grades submitted by their centre,” Northern Ireland education minister Mr Weir said.


Exam regulator Ofqual ‘wants to ditch algorithm’

Ofqual and Gavin Williamson are thought to be at odds on the best way of tidying up the almighty A-level mess.

Board members of the regulator now want to “ditch” their hated algorithm and allow teachers’ assessments to stand, but the education secretary is adamant there will be no U-turn, according to The Telegraph.

It follows a farcical weekend in which Ofqual pulled its own guidance on how pupils should appeal only hours after publishing – so it’s still unclear how mock exam results are supposed to be assessed by universities.

The Tory chair of the education committee branded the decision of the exam regulator to suspend A-level appeal criteria – just hours after it was published – as “farcical”.

Robert Halfon said: “That is a huge mess. Goodness knows what is going on at Ofqual. It sows confusion among pupils, headteachers, school teachers, and it’s the last thing we need at this time.”

The new appeal guidelines are still being drawn up by Ofqual, the Department for Education said on Sunday night.


Government urged to consider GCSE results delay

Ministers are being urged to consider postponing the publication of GCSE results this week as Gavin Williamson faces pressure to abandon the heavily-criticised A-level grading system.

It comes as discontent grows in Tory ranks at the exam regulator, with the chair of the education select committee Robert Halfon hitting out at the “unacceptable” decision to drop guidance for appeals – just hours after it was published at the weekend.

The fiasco over A-levels could escalate further on Thursday as millions of teenagers receive their GCSE grades. There are fears a similar algorithm that resulted in students being downgraded last week could be even worse.

“I urge the education secretary to instruct Ofqual not to release the GCSE results this Thursday as their algorithm is flawed,” said Lord Kenneth Baker, a former Tory education secretary who oversaw the launch of the qualification in the 1980s.

Both Tory MP Halfon and a leading teachers’ union also suggested such a move should be considered.


Good morning and welcome to The Independent’s live coverage of UK politics, as the government attempts to dampen the growing anger over this year’s A-level and GCSE exam results.