/Trump plans protest rallies as Biden to meet with Covid-19 task force today – follow live

Trump plans protest rallies as Biden to meet with Covid-19 task force today – follow live

Emily Murphy, who Mr Trump appointed to lead the General Services Administration (GSA), has yet to begin the process and has given no guidance on when she will do so. The GSA must officially recognise Mr Biden’s win for the transition to begin. Mr Trump has refused to concede defeat, however, and the lack of action has prompted calls for his administration to get moving.

Mr Biden, meanwhile, is to convene a Covid-19 task force meeting today with former top officials. He and Kamala Harris have named coronavirus as one of four key issues to address in their transition to power.


Trump whistleblower joins Biden’s Covid task force 

Among Joe Biden’s coronavirus emergency task force is a former Trump administration official who blew the whistle over untested drugs promoted by the president, Alex Woodward reports.

Trump whistleblower joins Biden’s Covid task force

President-elect Joe Biden’s task force to combat the growing coronavirus emergency will include a former Trump administration official who sounded the alarm over untested drugs promoted by the president as his aides ignored warnings and rewarded cronies while the nation’s case count surged.

Samuel Osborne9 November 2020 13:48


Despite vaccine news health measures will be needed into 2021, Biden says

Joe Biden has greeted the announcement of Pfizer’s experimental coronavirus vaccine as excellent news, but warned widespread vaccination remains months away and said Americans will need to continue wearing masks and maintain social distancing.

“Today’s news is great news, but it doesn’t change that fact,” the president-elect said in a statement.

“Today’s announcement promises the chance to change that next year, but the tasks before us now remain the same.”

Samuel Osborne9 November 2020 13:35


Biden yet to call Boris Johnson after election win

Joe Biden is yet to hold his first conversation with Boris Johnson after his election win, Downing Street have confirmed.

However, the prime minister is said to be unconcerned about when he will speak with the president-elect.

Samuel Osborne9 November 2020 13:22


Low-level Trump staffers trying to discreetly find new jobs – report

A report claims that inside the White House, lower-tier staffers are trying to balance making sure they can pay their rent with putting on a brave face for their boss.

Axios reported unnamed administration aides as saying that while senior staff may be able to delay the process of finding new employement, the younger ones need the security of a paycheck much sooner.

Jon Sharman9 November 2020 13:01


Trump immediately dressed in golf attire at Madame Tussauds following election defeat to Biden

Donald Trump’s waxwork replica at Madame Tussauds has been transformed into a golfer, to mark his defeat to Joe Biden in the presidential election, writes Joe Middleton.

Mr Trump was pictured playing golf in Virginia on Saturday as his Democrat rival for the presidency Joe Biden sealed a nail-biting election victory.

The former reality TV star’s waxwork figure was previously placed in a replica of the Oval Office in a suit and red tie.

Jon Sharman9 November 2020 12:27


Trump awake and tweeting – normal service temporarily resumed

Donald Trump is tweeting about the stock market again (remember that, before all the “stolen election” stuff?).

He is as thrilled as the rest of us at news that Pfizer’s experimental coronavirus vaccine seems to work.

If you haven’t caught up on that story, you can read on below:

Jon Sharman9 November 2020 12:44


General Services Administration under pressure to recognise Biden victory

The General Services Adminisration (GSA), the US government agency that supports the management and smooth functioning of the American government, is under pressure to recognise Joe Biden’s election victory.

“America’s national security and economic interests depend on the federal government signalling clearly and swiftly that the United States government will respect the will of the American people and engage in a smooth and peaceful transfer of power,” Jen Psaki, a Biden transition aide, tweeted on Sunday.

The GSA is tasked with formally recognising Mr Biden as president-elect, which begins the transition. Until then Mr Biden’s team can’t access government funds or deal with the agencies to which it plans to appoint staff.

The GSA’s Donald Trump-appointed administrator, Emily Murphy, has not started the process and has given no guidance on when she will do so.

Mr Biden, who was elected the 46th president on Saturday, is taking steps to build a government despite questions about whether Mr Trump will offer the traditional assistance.

Mr Trump has refused to concede defeat, and signalled he plans to continue to challenge what he baselessly claims was a stolen election.

Meanwhile, Politico obtained a letter sent to the outgoing president’s team calling on him to set the transition in motion.

In it, former top officials for presidents Barack Obama, George W Bush and Bill Clinton and one former Republican state governor write: “We urge the Trump administration to immediately begin the post-election transition process and the Biden team to take full advantage of the resources available under the Presidential Transition Act.”

Jon Sharman9 November 2020 12:26


Republican election commissioner says counting votes ‘not a bad thing’

A Republican election commissioner in Philadelphia has dismissed claims of “rigging” by president Donald Trump, saying that “counting votes is not a bad thing”, writes Stuti Mishra.

It comes as a response to Mr Trump’s now infamous tweet to “STOP THE COUNT!” on 5 November — at a point when he was already behind in the vote tallying process, and an end to counting then would have seen him lose the election anyway.

Jon Sharman9 November 2020 11:49


Opinion: We have a new president – but does that mean a new America?

The storm has arrived and it’s pleasant – so far, writes Aja Hannah.

As it became clear that Joe Biden was going to win, thousands flocked to DC on Saturday afternoon, gathering in Black Lives Matter Plaza – or, really, wherever they could fit in the city – to celebrate. Champagne sales rocketed. Music was only halted to hear the Biden and Harris speeches. Roads were clogged well out into the suburbs, where residents partied from home late into the night, hooting and hollering and setting off fireworks.

Jon Sharman9 November 2020 11:09


Stock exchange chief expects Biden to have ‘big’ impact on climate politics

The head of the London Stock Exchange believes Joe Biden’s election heralds the start of a new period in which climate change politics is taken more seriously.

David Schwimmer, asked if a new president would change the US’ contribution to the climate debate, told the Green Horizon Summit: “Short answer is ‘yes’ – big change.”

He added: “Huge impact in terms of having the US joining the effort to deal with climate change as opposed to being out there on its own.

“The timing is actually pretty remarkable in terms of the US leaving the Paris Agreement a couple of days ago and then president-elect Biden indicating that it will be one of his first actions in office [to re-join].”

Jon Sharman9 November 2020 11:22