/Biden news – live: Inauguration got more viewers than Trump’s as Fauci ‘liberated’ by new White House

Biden news – live: Inauguration got more viewers than Trump’s as Fauci ‘liberated’ by new White House

Fauci on the differences between Trump and Biden administrations

The new US president will reportedly sign into law a number of orders in line with his vow to make “bold steps to address the inequities in our economy and provide relief” to those struggling. 

It comes as the House prepares to deliver an impeachment measure charging former president Donald Trump with inciting insurrection to the Senate on Monday.

The move, announced by Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer on Friday, signals the start of a trial process that could ban him from holding office again.

“The House will deliver the article of impeachment to the Senate. The Senate will conduct a trial of the impeachment of Donald Trump. It will be a full trial. It will be a fair trial,” Mr Schumer said on the Senate floor.


Biden unveils economic plan after Trump leaves office with 30 million in hunger

“This is not who we are.”

Biden unveils economic relief plan

Joe Biden has revealed details of his plan to try and immediately help Americans suffering from hunger and poverty, saying “this is not who we are”.

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 20:25


600,000 expected dead from virus

In his remarks Joe Biden says that the US is expected to reach well over 600,000 dead from the virus.

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 20:23


Biden directs federal agencies to provide relief to families and small businesses

“We cannot, we will not let people go hungry,” says Joe Biden unveiling economic plan.

 He also references evictions and job losses, saying: “We have to act. We have to act now.”

The president says that no one in America should work 40 hours a week and be below the poverty line.

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 20:18


Biden delivers an update on the response to the economic crisis

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 20:09


Texas sues Biden administration over halting in deportations

Texas attorney general Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against Department of Homeland Security in an attempt to halt the Biden administration’s “unlawful” freeze on deportations.

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 19:50


First Lady visits National Guard troops at Capitol

Dr Jill Biden delivered chocolate chop cookies to National Guard troops guarding the US Capitol to say thank you for keeping her and her family safe.

First Lady Jill Biden surprises National Guard members outside the Capitol with chocolate chip cookies on 22 January, 2021

(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

The first lady also said that the Bidens are a National Guard family, invoking the memory of the late Beau Biden.

Politico reported on Wednesday evening that National Guard troops drafted in to protect the Capitol after the Pro-Trump riots on 6 January had been asked to move their rest area away from the buildings and into a garage.

Lawmakers including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senator Tim Scott decried the decision, with some offering their offices as rest stops for the troops.

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 19:48


Sometimes the jabs at Trump are more subtle.

Worth remembering that he even kept a model of the yet unfinished presidential airplane in the Oval Office. 

To date, President Biden has no travel plans, so will not even be using the current Air Force One in the immediate future, but will be remaining in the environs of Washington, DC.

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 19:44


Biden to sign executive orders to boost jobs and counter hunger crisis

Andrew Buncombe reports for The Independent from Washington, DC.

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 19:25


No pardon leaves QAnon Shaman feeling ‘duped’

The man known as the “QAnon Shaman,” who stormed the Capitol shirtless while wearing fur and horns, feels he was “duped” by Donald Trump after the president failed to pardon him, his lawyer has revealed. 

Gustaf Kilander reports for The Independent.

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 19:07


The president is expected to continue to attend mass on Sundays, says the press secretary, but has not yet selected a church.

Oliver O’Connell22 January 2021 19:07