/Biden news – live: President to take action on guns as Mike Pence ‘prepares’ for 2024 presidential campaign

Biden news – live: President to take action on guns as Mike Pence ‘prepares’ for 2024 presidential campaign

Joe Biden has long campaigned for stricter gun control

Joe Biden’s much-awaited gun control agenda is set to kick into action today as the president lines up six executive actions on what one adviser has called “the gun violence public health epidemic”. Gun safety is one of Mr Biden’s signature issues going back decades, and pressure on him to take aggressive action on it has been intensified by recent mass shootings in Atlanta and Boulder.

That said, the White House is hedging somewhat in advance of the inevitable debate over the president’s moves. Communications Director Kate Bedingfield told CNN this morning that Mr Biden “would be the first to say this is not enough”, and signalled the next step would be to shift the onus to Capitol Hill. “Congress needs to move forward,” she said, “for example, on the bipartisan background check bills that are in front of them, because the majority of the American people believe that we need sensible gun reform.”

Meanwhile, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has called on the Biden administration to shut a detention facility where he says child migrants are being sexually assaulted. State authorities are investigating claims of abuse and neglect at the Freeman Coliseum near San Antonio, which currently houses some 1,300 people.

The LAPD are under fire over a new video that shows police officers arresting a Black man who smiled at them as they looked for an unrelated suspect. Released on the orders of a federal magistrate, the 11-minute clip shows the music producer and his girlfriend being arrested as he takes out his trash in broad daylight.

Read more:


“This. Is. Huge”: gun safety advocates celebrate Biden orders

Campaigners for gun reform and advocates for the victims of gun violence have been expressing their optimism in advance of Mr Biden’s announcement today. Among them are the leaders of the Giffords group, founded after the assassination attempt on Gabrielle Giffords in 2011; one of its senior advisers has been chosen by Mr Biden to lead the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Also celebrating today are Kris Brown, president of the Brady organisation, and David Hogg, a survivor of the Parkland shooting who has campaigned across the US in the years since the massacre at his high school.

And for good measure, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki has given her own views.

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 16:05


What the Biden administration’s gun control measures will look like

We’re getting closer to the press conference at which Joe Biden will announce the new gun control measures he’s putting into action via executive order. But besides actions on problems like ghost guns and military-style rifles, the White House has also issued a fact sheet on community violence interventions that are designed to tackle gun violence without legislating around gun possession or sales at all.

It also points out that gun violence is an enormous economic problem, quoting a study that found it costs the US around $280bn a year.

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 15:45


The unique challenge of “ghost guns”

As Joe Biden prepares to announce his bold new moves on gun safety reform, high up the agenda is a particularly thorny problem: “ghost guns”, which carry no serial numbers and which are therefore extremely difficult for law enforcement to trace.

What can the federal government do to crack down on them? Maroosha Muzaffar has this explainer.

What are ghost guns?

Facing pressure from gun-control advocates, Joe Biden has promised to restrict the proliferation of untraceable firearms

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 15:25


Derek Chauvin’s trial continues

The trial of Derek Chauvin for the killing of George Floyd is returning to the courtroom. Follow the prosecution with video in our dedicated live blog.

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 15:04


The contradictions of getting vaccinated

Our own Richard Hall has been reflecting on the experience of getting inoculated against Covid-19 in New York, where the rollout hasn’t exactly been frictionless.

“This rollout process, designed for speed and efficiency, was exclusionary to all but the most tech savvy and time-rich adults,” he writes. “How could a single parent have found the time to go through this process? How could someone working full time, someone without reliable internet access, someone without technical skills?”

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 14:58


Joe Manchin’s opposition to filibuster reform causes rancour

As West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin goes on the record again to oppose any attempt to adjust or abolish the Senate filibuster, his critics are out in force. Talking Points Memo founder Josh Marshall analyses Mr Manchin’s tactics and finds them wanting (to put it mildly)…

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 14:36


Justice Department brings charges against “Boogaloo Boi”

A 27-year-old Minnesota man and self-described “Boogaloo Boi” is facing federal charges of illegally possessing a machine gun, which a confidential source told the FBI he intended to use to kill law enforcement officers.

Michael Paul Dahlager also possessed 3D-printed and homemade firearm components, and claimed to have installed port-holes in his residence from which to make a stand against law enforcement if they came for him.

Members of the Boogaloo movement, a loose connection of people who share an anti-government and anti-law enforcement animus, have been linked to violence and homicide before, most notably in a 2020 attack in California that left two people dead.

You can read the Justice Department’s account of the case here.

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 14:18


New figures show high unemployment numbers

Emerging figures indicate that based on last week’s numbers, new unemployment claims in the US are higher than hoped for, with a week-on-week rise of 16,000.

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 13:54


Industrial explosion in Ohio injures at least eight

An explosion at a paint plant in Columbus, Ohio overnight has left eight people injured and another unaccounted for. Some are in critical condition.

Gustaf Kilander has more:

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 13:49


Family reunion

Two Ecuadorian sisters aged 3 and 5 who were dumped over the Mexico-US border by a smuggler are set to be reunited with their parents in New York. The US Customs and Border Protection agency last week released an infrared clip of the girls being dropped over the 14-foot border wall, where they were taken to hospital by border agents.

As the girls make their way to their parents, the authorities in Mexico are working to identify the person or people responsible for abandoning them.

Andrew Naughtie8 April 2021 13:45