/Biden news – live: Trump faces ‘quiet Republican attempt to convict him’ as president steps up extremism fight

Biden news – live: Trump faces ‘quiet Republican attempt to convict him’ as president steps up extremism fight

Biden not opposed to Senate pushing back Trump impeachment

Joe Biden and the first lady were momentarily forced to wait outside the White House on inauguration day due reportedly to a final “petty” act by Donald Trump. 

The doors failed to initially open for the Bidens as they walked up to the executive mansion on Wednesday, with one official telling the National Journal that “the Trumps sent the butlers home when they left so there would be no one the help the Bidens”. 

“So petty,” the official added.

It comes as former Trump administration officials are quietly lobbying congressional Republicans to convict Mr Trump in his impeachment trial next month, according to CNN.

The former officials are just some of the dozens of influential GOP figures in Washington who want the party to sever ties with the former president.


Biden tells US mayors country needs ‘urgent’ Covid action

The president told the US Conference of Mayors that his administration was focussing on the pandemic and economic growth.

“We also have to act now, with urgency and unity as the United States of America…We can do this together. I promise we’ll do everything we can to help,” said Mr Biden.

(Getty Images)

Graeme Massie23 January 2021 20:04


Canada’s Trudeau ‘disappointed’ at Biden order to cancel Keystone pipeline

Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau says he is ‘disappointed’ at Joe Biden’s decision to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline.

The president made revoking the permits for the controversial energy project by executive order one of his first action’s in the White House.

Graeme Massie23 January 2021 19:28


Dr Fauci says pressure from Trump had ‘chilling’ effect on White House coronavirus scientists

Dr Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, is opening up about his experiences as a scientist under the Donald Trump administration, calling the president’s pressure campaigns “chilling.”  

Dr Fauci appeared on MSNBC’s ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ and recalled scientists working with the White House who felt they could not tell the truth because Mr Trump and his officials wanted to project an image of the pandemic that suggested everything was under control and improving.

Graeme Massie23 January 2021 17:45


Biden calls Canada’s Trudeau, Mexico’s López Obrador

President Joe Biden s first calls to foreign leaders went to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador at a strained moment for the US relationship with its North American neighbours.

Mr Biden’s call to Mr Trudeau on Friday came after the Canadian prime minister this week publicly expressed disappointment over Mr Biden’s decision to issue an executive order halting construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline. 

The long-disputed project was projected to carry some 800,000 barrels of oil a day from the tar sands of Alberta to the Texas Gulf Coast, passing through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas and Oklahoma.

Tom Embury-Dennis23 January 2021 17:07


Former Estonian president compares Trump Jr to ‘exceptionally small-brained fish’

A former president of Estonia has compared Donald Trump Jr to an “exceptionally small-brained fish” in response to a wild attempt to talk up his father on Twitter.

Following his father’s departure from office on Wednesday, Mr Trump Jr took to Twitter on Friday in an attempt to shore up his presidential legacy.

“Donald Trump is the first president in modern history[sic] did not start a new war,” he tweeted.

Tom Embury-Dennis23 January 2021 16:49


Trump worked with DOJ lawyer to ‘oust acting attorney general and overturn Georgia election result’

Donald Trump worked with a Justice Department lawyer to oust the acting attorney general and force Georgia lawmakers to overturn his election loss in the state, says a report.

Mr Trump allegedly plotted with Jeffrey Clark, who led the DOJ’s civil division, to cast doubt on election results in the state and heap pressure on Georgia to help him, according to the New York Times.

The former president was considering firing Jeffrey Rosen after he refused to help Mr Trump reverse his defeat to Joe Biden, and replacing him with Mr Clark.

Tom Embury-Dennis23 January 2021 16:28


White House provides details of Biden call with Mexico president

The White House has released a summary of Joe Biden’s call with Mexico president Manuel Lopez Obrador, commonly known as AMLO. 

The US president spoke with his Mexican counterpart about immigration, including a reversal of the “draconian” immigration measures put in by the Trump administration, as well as the coronavirus pandemic. 

Tom Embury-Dennis23 January 2021 16:07


Congresswoman Lauren Boebert introduces bill to block Biden rejoining Paris Agreement

Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is attempting to block President Biden from rejoining the Paris Agreement.

One of Mr Biden’s first acts in office was signing an executive order to recommit the US to the global climate pact, to cut the greenhouse gas emissions heating the planet.

On Thursday, the Colorado congresswoman introduced the “Paris Agreement Constitutional Treaty Act” intending to block funding for the executive order until passed as a treaty by the Senate.

Tom Embury-Dennis23 January 2021 15:49


Republican senator who attempted to overturn election falsely claims he didn’t

Republican senator Josh Hawley has claimed he was “never attempting to overturn the election” when he objected to the result of the election in Congress earlier this month. 

“I was very clear from the beginning that I was never attempting to overturn the election,” Mr Hawley told CNN.

But as CNN’s Jake Tapper points out, not only did Mr Hawley object to the results in Arizona and Pennsylvania, despite there being no evidence to justify such a move, he also told Fox News on 4 January that Mr Trump could remain as president depending “on what happens on Wednesday. It’s why we have the debate”. 

Tom Embury-Dennis23 January 2021 15:28


‘We’re in a national emergency,’ Biden says as he urges Americans to pull together

Joe Biden has said the US has the “tools to get this virus under control” in a video statement urging Americans to pull together to fight the health and economic crisis engulfing the country. 

Tom Embury-Dennis23 January 2021 15:21