/Brexit news – live: Food shortages are due to leaving EU, UK admits amid diplomatic row over bloc’s status

Brexit news – live: Food shortages are due to leaving EU, UK admits amid diplomatic row over bloc’s status

‘Nothing wrong with being woke’ says Boris Johnson

Her Cabinet colleague Brandon Lewis, the Northern Ireland secretary, had argued that the coronavirus crisis, not the end of the transition period, was solely to blame for the shortages before Ms Truss contradicted him, blaming “both of those issues”.

Meanwhile, a row broke out between the UK and EU after the Foreign Office refused to grant the bloc’s ambassador in London the same diplomatic status afforded to representatives of individual nation states.


Labour calls on Patel to explain Covid border stance to MPs

Labour called on Priti Patel last night to update MPs on the UK’s border policy after the home secretary admitted a split in government occured during the early days of the pandemic.

Ms Patel said she had wanted to close the borders last March but was overruled. Her opposite number, Labour’s Nick Thomas-Symonds, said the split “led to vital opportunities to stop the spread of the virus being missed” and has now written to her asking her to tell parliament what has been learned and to outline the government’s border plan going forward as new variants of the coronavirus emerge. 

Shadow home secretary Thomas-Symonds says government has ‘failed to enact a clear strategy’ on borders

Shadow home secretary Thomas-Symonds says government has ‘failed to enact a clear strategy’ on borders


Liam James21 January 2021 09:57


Rayner revels in Williamson-bashing interview

Deputy Labour leader Angela Rayner has stood behind Piers Morgan’s brutal grilling of education secretary Gavin Williamson this morning. 

Liam James21 January 2021 09:43


‘Nothing wrong with being woke’ says Boris Johnson

The prime minister would not say whether he agreed with politicians including Lisa Nandy that incumbent president Joe Biden is “woke”, but he did suggest he would not mind if he was.

He then went on to boast his own belief that “it’s important to stick up for your history, your traditions” etc. Will this appeal to both the new president who he will have to deal with and his supporter base of new Tory voters at once? Or neither?

Liam James21 January 2021 09:37


Gavin Williamson says he ‘certainly hopes’ schools in England will reopen before Easter

Gavin Williamson said he would “certainly hope” to reopen schools in England before Easter and stressed that teachers, parents and children will be given a two-week notice period before any return.

In an interview on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, Mr Williamson also sidestepped questions whether there was a “crisis in confidence” in his leadership at the Department for Education — the day after his opposite number on the Labour frontbench called for his resignation.

Political Correspondent Ashley Cowburn has more on this:

Liam James21 January 2021 09:13


Labour to attack Rishi Sunak’s ‘self-defeating’ Covid policies

Labour is set to take aim at chancellor Rishi Sunak’s handling of the coronavirus crisis, saying his policies have cost jobs and caused “untold harm” to business.

Shadow chancellor Anneliese Dodds will use a speech to the London School of Economics today to accuse her Tory opposite of setting up a “false choice” between protecting public health and the economy.

This will be the second attempt to make a splash with a big speech from Ms Dodds in as many weeks. The last, where she set out Labour’s plan for a “responsible fiscal framework”, received some coverage for her split with the economic approach of the Corbyn era but did not make the front pages.

Anneliese Dodds will say the chancellor’s approach has been ‘self-defeating’


Liam James21 January 2021 08:57


Diplomatic row sparked between UK and EU over ambassador

A diplomatic row has flared up between the EU and its only former-member state after the UK refused to grant the bloc’s ambassador in London the same status afforded to representatives of individual nations.

The Foreign Office insists Joao Vale de Almeida should not have the privileges and immunities granted to diplomats under the Vienna Convention. The UK is understood not to want to set a precedent of treating an international organisation the same as a nation state.

The EU argues it is not the same as an organisation such as Nato as it has its own currency and judicial system. The EU’s foreign affairs representative has written to Dominic Raab expressing “serious concerns” and the bloc’s foreign ministers are expected to discuss the issue in their first post-Brexit transition meeting next Monday.

Liam James21 January 2021 08:37


Liz Truss admits Brexit led to supermarket food shortages

Liz Truss admitted Brexit has to take some blame for food shortages in Northern Ireland, contradicting Brandon Lewis who had claimed disruption was solely down to the coronavirus crisis.

Ms Truss said both factors were to blame before defending against “predictions of armageddon” over Brexit which she said “simply haven’t happened”, adding “we’re now seeing a more rapid flow of goods into Northern Ireland and those supermarket shelves are being stocked”.

“Of course there was always going to be a period of adjustment for businesses,” she told ITV’s Peston.

Liam James21 January 2021 08:23


Good morning and welcome to The Independent’s coverage of developments in Westminster and beyond today.

Liam James21 January 2021 08:17