/Cop26 news – live: Boris Johnson returns to summit as draft urges nations to re-focus on 1.5C goal

Cop26 news – live: Boris Johnson returns to summit as draft urges nations to re-focus on 1.5C goal

<p>Boris Johnson brought forward his return to Glasgow </p>

Boris Johnson brought forward his return to Glasgow


Boris Johnson spoke with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia about the country’s climate pledges and the need to make “progress in the negotiations” in Glasgow as he returned to the Cop26 summit.

The prime minister welcomed the Middle Eastern country’s commitment to reach net zero by 2060 but spoke to Mohammed bin Salman about the importance of finalising the outstanding elements of the Paris rulebook, according to No 10.

A Downing Street spokesperson added: “The prime minister said all countries needed to come to the table with increased ambition if we are to keep the target of limiting global warming to 1.5C alive.”

Mr Johnson had been expected to appear in Glasgow at the end of the week but brought his plans forward to spur “ambitious action”.

His return to Scotland came as experts and charities warned a draft Cop26 deal published on Wedneday was “not good enough” to limit global warming to 1.5C and prevent millions being impacted by catastrophic climate change. Warming could hit 2.4C by 2100.


Cop26 leaders will be accountable to children and grandchildren, says Sharma

Any pact agreed at Cop26 in Glasgow will “set the future for our children and grandchildren”, the conference’s president Alok Sharma has said.

He said: “I still have the intention for us to be able to close Cop26 at the end of Friday. Everyone must come armed with the currency of compromise.

“We all know what is at stake in these negotiations, and indeed the urgency of our task.

“In very human terms, what we agree in Glasgow will set the future for our children and grandchildren. And I know that no world leader or country will want to fail them.”

Jon Sharman10 November 2021 15:34


Consensus ‘stronger than ever’ on pace of change needed to hit Paris goal

A top Cop26 figure has said the consensus among transport participants is “stronger than ever” on the pace of changes needed to hit the Paris goal of limiting warming to 1.5C.

Nigel Topping, the summit’s “high level champion”, told a news conference that “we often talk now about a systemic transformation” in sustainable transport.

He said: “We’ve got countries, cities, states, vehicle manufacturers, fleet owners and investors.”

Mr Topping later dodged a question from a Japanese reporter, however, who had asked why Nissan, Toyota and the Japanese government had not signed up, even though those two firms have factories in the UK. “You’d have to ask them,” he said.

Jon Sharman10 November 2021 15:14


InFact: Does UK deserve to be in top 10 of climate performance index?

The UK has once again ranked highly in the Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI), which rates the way each nation is tackling the climate crisis, writes Samuel Webb.

But does the nation deserve to be called a “leading country” by climate experts? Or does the ranking flatter the UK’s efforts?

Jon Sharman10 November 2021 15:09


Someone at Cop26 is having success

One well-known politician has achieved success at Cop26, even as Boris Johnson struggles to get leaders to commit to improved climate targets.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has completed her quest to obtain Irn-Bru.

The Democratic congresswoman has also said she wanted to “touch Harris tweed and see a castle” during her trip to Scotland, though said the intensity of work at the summit was high.

Jon Sharman10 November 2021 14:50


PM to cajole other leaders on climate ambitions, minister says

Boris Johnson’s aim on his latest trip to Glasgow is to persuade other world leaders to up their ambitions on climate, a minister has said.

Robert Courts, the minister for aviation and maritime, told BBC Radio 4’s World at One programme: “We’re entering that final hard-yard stage of the negotiation where everybody’s ambition comes to the fore and everybody urges each to do better.

“The one thing that you can really see when you’re here at Cop is the huge energy, the huge ambition that motivates every single person here from government, from NGOs, through to members of the public.

“We all know that this is the defining issue of our times, it’s the biggest challenge of our times, we’re determined to deliver and there’s all sorts of ways in which we already are.”

Jon Sharman10 November 2021 14:40


Brazil demands world meeting funding target

Brazil’s environment minister has demanded that richer countries provide the £74.1bn annual funding agreed upon to help developing countries switch to clean energy and handle the impact of climate change.

“The $100bn target has not been met,” Joaquim Leite said in a speech in Glasgow on Wednesday. “And this amount is no longer enough for the world to build a new green economy with a responsible transition.”

The minister added that “more ambitious volumes with easy access and agile execution are needed for inclusive transformation to take place in every territory around the world.”

Jon Sharman10 November 2021 14:04


WaterAid derides draft Cop26 resolution as inadequate

The draft Cop26 pact published this morning does not do enough to help millions of people at risk from a warming climate, according to a leading charity.

Jonathan Farr, a senior policy analyst at WaterAid, said in a statement: “This draft agreement is not good enough. World leaders have just 72 hours to turn around the life chances of millions of men, women and children across the globe who are facing the deadly impacts of climate change.

“Poor communities are already picking up the tab for our collective failure to take action on climate change and they are paying that bill through increasing water scarcity. Young girls miss school to fetch water, days are lost to ill-health and lives are cut short because of impacts these communities have done the least to cause.

“They cannot wait while world leaders struggle to put their hands in their pockets to deliver on a decade old promise to provide funds to help poorer countries adapt.”

Jon Sharman10 November 2021 13:54


PM pictured at Glasgow Central station

Boris Johnson reads his paperwork as he stands next to a ‘Green Train’ at Glasgow Central station that he visited after arriving at another platform by train from London


Jon Sharman10 November 2021 13:46


What has been achieved and agreed by leaders at the climate summit?

World leaders from 200 countries are in Glasgow for the Cop26 climate summit, along with 20,000 delegates and tens of thousands more protesters, campaigners and pressure groups all brought together in the latest international effort to thwart the worsening climate crisis, writes Harry Cockburn.

The announcements and agreements are coming thick and fast, so to help you stay on top of what’s going on and what matters, The Independent is keeping track of all the major developments at the conference.

Jon Sharman10 November 2021 13:44


PM arrives in Glasgow… on the train

Boris Johnson has arrived in Glasgow by train for meetings at Cop26, a week after being criticised for flying home from the climate summit.

The PM arrived at Glasgow Central Station ahead of meetings at the climate summit.

Downing Street was previously forced to defend Mr Johnson’s decision to return from Cop26 by private charter jet after his first visit concluded last week.

His official spokesperson said it was important he was able to travel while facing “significant time constraints”.

Jon Sharman10 November 2021 13:32