/Coronavirus news – live: Boris Johnson set to ease lockdown and reduce 2-metre rule as WHO warns pandemic ‘accelerating’ and global cases top 9m

Coronavirus news – live: Boris Johnson set to ease lockdown and reduce 2-metre rule as WHO warns pandemic ‘accelerating’ and global cases top 9m

Coronavirus UK news live: Latest lockdown updates as Boris Johnson cuts two-metre rule | The Independent


Tuesday 23 June 2020 17:50

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Related video: Coronavirus: Shielding measures in England to be lifted in August

Boris Johnson has announced plans to allow pubs, restaurants, museums, cinemas and hotels to reopen from 4 July in the most significant easing of the coronavirus lockdown yet in England.

The prime minister also cut the two-metre social distancing rule to one metre following a review of the measure. People from two households will be allowed to meet indoors and stay overnight at each other’s homes or other accommodation.

It comes as the World Health Organisation warns the Covid-19 pandemic is “accelerating” as global cases top nine million.

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“Fingers crossed one of these vaccines will come good,” says Patrick Vallance, when asked when we can see the back of hand sanitisers and face coverings.

Chris Whitty says coronavirus is likely to be around until this time next year.


Boris Johnson says he is keen to get back to pubs and restaurants “even if it may not be compatible with the diet I am on.”


“This is a balance of risk and I think this is a reasonable balance of risk – it is not risk free,” says Chris Whitty, when asked if he agreed with the lockdown easing measures announced today.


“There is far more harmony between our approaches than is presented,” says Boris Johnson when asked about the different approaches of Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


“It’s going to be a long haul”, says chief medical officer Chris Whitty, saying that restrictions may have to be altered as the pandemic continues – possibly in winter if infections increase again.

Patrick Vallance says it looks unlikely that the virus will just burn itself out and go away.


Boris Johnson says “of course” the government will take responsibility for the decision to relax the restrictions.

Asked whether he had changed his mind about the two-metre rule, Chris Whitty said that people still had to take it seriously but added that the adoption of mitigation measures such as face coverings could allow for the distance to be reduced to one metre.


Boris Johnson thanks his medical and scientific advisers as he confirms this is the last regular press conference but adds: “I don’t think this is the last you will see of us, by any means.”


Chris Whitty mentions some of the ’39 steps’ that people can take to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus, including wearing face coverings and washing hands.

It sounded like Boris Johnson enjoyed that movie reference.


Chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance says the disease is coming down in the UK but ‘hasn’t gone away’ and is still growing in other parts of the world.


Boris Johnson says he is prepared to “put on the handbrake” and reverse if infections start to spread out of control again, warning the public that there will still be local outbreaks.


“We have only been able to make these changes because we have stuck to our path… the people of this country met this challenge with good humour.”


“After a long period of asking you to follow very strict and complex rules, we can now make life easier for people to see more of their friends and family and get businesses back on their feet,” he says.


Boris Johnson is building up to confirming that all five of the government’s tests have been met, thereby allowing the relaxation of restrictions announced earlier today.


The rate of infections has also decreased to “manageable levels”, from an average of 5,195 on 13 April to 1,147 on 23 June, he says.


‘We have so far avoided the catastrophe of a second peak of infections that would overwhelm the NHS’, says Boris Johnson. “The NHS coped extraordinarily with the pressure of this pandemic.”

There are now 340 mechanical ventilator beds occupied by coronavirus patients, down from a peak of 3,301 on 12 April.



Boris Johnson about to lead last daily press conference

Three months after the prime minister announced the lockdown, he is now to give the last daily Downing Street press conference.

He will be joined by chief medical officer Chris Whitty and chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance.

Future press conferences will be reserved for “significant announcements”, No 10 said.


It’s the question you’ve all been asking…



Further delay to gym reopening ‘will threaten nation’s recovery’

Gym and leisure centre trade body ukactive has said it is continuing to discuss the reopening of indoor fitness facilities next month.

CEO Huw Edwards said many people would be “understandably frustrated” by the decision not to ease the restrictions on gyms on 4 July.

He added: “However, the Government has indicated that gyms and leisure facilities will reopen from mid-July, subject to final agreement between health officials and our sector.

“In these discussions, we are completely confident in addressing any questions the Government and health officials may have, based on the comprehensive health and safety guidance we published and shared with the Government on 7 May.

“Furthermore, we have invited Government and health officials to visit any of the hundreds of gym and leisure centre show sites across the country, and witness how facilities would operate with thorough social distancing measures and hygiene standards in place.

“Any further delay to our reopening will threaten our nation’s recovery from Covid-19. With obesity the second largest cause of hospitalisation from this virus, gyms and leisure centres are equipped to not only combat Covid-19, but to support rehabilitation for those recovering from the virus.”


Rishi Sunak eager to hit the pub (for a non-alcoholic drink)

The chancellor reacted to the latest relaxation of coronavirus restrictions by saying he “can’t wait to get back to the pub” – before reassuringly adding that he “doesn’t even drink”.

It has also been pointed out that he is giving the thumbs up outside a shop selling kettles and toasters rather than the pub.


UK coronavirus death toll rises from 171 to 42,927

The UK hospital death toll from coronavirus has risen to at least 42,927, the government said on Tuesday.