/Coronavirus news – live: Mandatory arrivals quarantine to have ‘devastating’ effect on travel as delays keep hundreds of thousands waiting for disability and sickness benefits

Coronavirus news – live: Mandatory arrivals quarantine to have ‘devastating’ effect on travel as delays keep hundreds of thousands waiting for disability and sickness benefits

Coronavirus update live: Latest news and deaths as mandatory arrivals quarantine to have ‘devastating’ effect on travel | The Independent


Saturday 9 May 2020 12:19

Boris Johnson is believed to be mulling a mandatory 14-day quarantine for all arrivals to the UK, which aviation chiefs warned could “devastate” the travel industry and the wider economy – despite almost every other country having implemented border restrictions in some form.

Meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of sickness and disability benefit claimants are facing delays in receiving support, as government staff are diverted from processing claims to respond to the coronavirus crisis.

The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, is also expected to set out a phased end to the government’s furlough scheme this weekend, with the prime minister having indicated he will also announce a slight easing of some lockdown restrictions.

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Spain’s death toll rises to 26,478 after further 179 fatalities

Spain’s daily death toll fell to 179 on Saturday, down from 229 on the previous day, the health ministry said.


China to reform disease prevention and control system

Beijing will reform its disease prevention and control system to address weaknesses exposed by the coronavirus outbreak, the vice minister of the National Health Commission has announced.

“This coronavirus epidemic is a big test of our country’s governance and governing ability, and it exposed the weak links in how we address major epidemic and public health systems,” Li Bin told reporters.

The commission intends to build a “centralised and efficient” chain of command and reform, and modernise the disease prevention and control system, he said.

The commission also aims to make better use of big data, artificial intelligence and cloud computing to better analyse the disease, trace the virus and distribute resources.

He said the commission plans to step up research on core technology, improve medical insurance and better ensure the availability of emergency materials.


Coastguard has highest number of callouts since start of lockdown

The Coastguard has said that yesterday it had the highest number of call-outs since lockdown began. It said there were 97 incidents, 54 per cent more than the average of 63 recorded for the previous month.

Matt Leat, duty commander with the Coastguard, said: “People are ignoring the measures put into place by the government.

“I completely understand that the weather and the bank holiday coupled with the fact that we’ve been in this lockdown situation for just over six weeks has tempted people out to our beautiful coasts. However, as the Government said only yesterday, it’s really vital that we all continue to observe the guidance.

“Every time we get a 999 or distress call, we will always respond but the minute we send in a rescue response, we’re putting our frontline responders at risk as well as putting the NHS under avoidable pressure.”


Seven killed as police open fire on protesters fighting ‘corrupt’ coronavirus food aid distribution

Seven people have been killed after demonstrators protesting perceived inequities in food aid distribution during the coronavirus pandemic clashed with police in Afghanistan’s western Ghor province on Saturday, Reuters reports.

Fourteen others were wounded during the protest in the western Ghor province – amid growing unhappiness at the distribution allegedly favouring those with political connections, said Gulzaman Nayeb, a local politician.

Police opened fire after some among the around 300 protesters threw stones and started firing guns and trying to enter the governor’s house, a spokesperson for the provincial governor said.

Among the dead was Ahmad Naveed Khan, a local volunteer radio presenter who was sitting at his nearby shop and hit in the head by a bullet, according the Afghanistan Journalists Centre.

The Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) is looking into the “worrying reports of police firing on protestors”, its chairperson said on Twitter.

The government has been distributing food aid around the country as the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus pandemic have led to many job losses and rising food prices.

Ms Akbar told Reuters earlier this week that the commission was being inundated with complaints from the public that food aid is being distributed unfairly.

“We hear repeated complaints from people that the ones who are receiving the limited aid that is there are not the ones that are most deserving, they are the ones who have connections to local authorities or local officials,” she said while adding it was not possible to verify the extent to which this was happening.


Ian Hamilton: Coronavirus is exacerbating inequality, even among drug users as supplies dry up

Even during coronavirus, the parallel markets on the dark web continue to offer every type of drug and medicine imaginable. British customers account for a lot of that activity at the moment. In fact, according to a pan-European report, Brits account for most of it,
writes Ian Hamilton.

This virtual market contrasts with what appears to be happening with the physical market in the UK.

These supply and demand changes have a very real impact on individuals and those around them.

The affluent can nimbly switch from the physical drug market to the dark web as they have the resources and ability to do this. Those that don’t have the time, money or ability to do this are left with whatever they can get. 


White House officials buried government health agency report on reopening communities, emails show

White House officials sought to shelve detailed advice from the country’s Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on how to safely reopen communities, according to internal government emails obtained by the Associated Press.

The correspondence contradicts the assertion from Donald Trump’s press secretary 

Kayleigh McEnany that the “Guidance for Implementing the Opening Up America Again Framework” had not been approved by CDC director Robert Redfield. 

The emails show the 60-plus page culmination of weeks of research had in fact been shelved by White House officials on 30 April, despite Mr Redfield having shared the guidance Mr Trump’s inner circle, including his son-in-law Jared Kushner, top adviser Kellyanne Conway and task force members Dr Deborah Birx and Dr Anthony Fauci.

The emails also reportedly reveal that after
AP reported on Thursday that the guidance document had been buried, the Trump administration immediately ordered key parts of it to be fast-tracked for approval.


NUS Scotland warns of ‘ticking time bomb’ of student deprivation as part-time work dries up

National Union of Students (NUS) Scotland president Liam McCabe called on the UK and Scottish governments to provide support to students who are unable to work because of the outbreak and are about to lose student funding over the summer.

“One of the things that we have been particularly emphasising is the financial impact,” he told BBC Radio Scotland. “We’re deeply and profoundly concerned about that in many different ways.”

He added: “There is no guarantee that work will reappear and it is my contention that we’re sitting on a ticking time bomb of student deprivation.

“As they have lost that part-time work and there’s no guarantee that it will reappear in future, they’re also staring down the barrels of the end of SAAS payments for those in higher education courses.”


Exclusive: Women face giving birth alone as doulas blocked from accompanying them during labour

Doulas are being blocked from accompanying pregnant women in the delivery room due to the coronavirus crisis – leaving some facing the prospect of giving birth alone, our women’s correspondent Maya Oppenheim reports.

Charities warned mothers-to-be could be needlessly traumatised because doulas – experts who help pregnant women going through labour – are being routinely barred from home births and maternity units due to women only being allowed to have birthing partners from their same household.

Read the full report with Independent Premium:


Majority thinks government’s rumoured 14-day quarantine plan is ‘better late than never’, poll suggests

In a Twitter poll conducted on behalf of The Independent about the government’s plans for 14-day self-isolation for all travellers arriving in the UK, only one in five was on the side of the aviation industry in thinking the quarantine policy will do more harm than good, reports Simon Calder.

Three in 10 say it should be brought in right now, not at the end of the month. But only one in 23 believes it is the right move now. Almost 6,000 people responded within two hours.


Slovakia records no new cases for first day since 10 March

The central European country of 5.5 million has had fewer cases and deaths than neighbouring countries, with a total of 1,455 confirmed infections and 26 deaths. 919 people have already recovered.

On Wednesday, most shops, hotels, museums, galleries and outdoor tourist attractions were reopened, with bans raised on religious services and weddings with a limited number of guests.

Schools remain closed, however, and international passenger travel is still not possible. People returning from abroad must go to state-run quarantine centres for 14 days – a measure the UK government is also said to be mulling.


Laboratories chief ‘frustrated’ by PM’s new 200,000 daily test target

Allan Wilson, the president of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences has spoken of his “frustration” at the government’s “arbitrary” target, insisting there should be a “more targeted” strategy to ensure labs across the country are not put under pressure.

Speaking to BBC Radio Scotland, Mr Wilson said: “Given the fact that there was so much turmoil around the initial target of 100,000, to double that target, all it does is put pressure on the laboratories when it’s really not required.

“What we need is a much more targeted approach to how we’re going to reduce the transmission of this disease and reduce deaths, rather than another arbitrary, politically set target.”

Mr Wilson said the Government should set out where people will be tested, who will be tested and how often the tests will take place, adding that approach would “link to an overall strategy” that would allow the spread of the virus to be tracked.

He added that some labs are working “hand to mouth” to provide testing across the UK, saying: “We get deliveries of reagents and chemicals to do testing for a period of time, but there’s no guarantee that there’s another delivery coming behind that so we can maintain that capacity.”


Mike Pence’s spokesperson tests positive for coronavirus

A day after Donald Trump’s valet tested positive for Covid-19, the US vice president’s press secretary, Katie Miller, has tested positive for Covid-19 – a day after Donald Trump’s valet.

“She tested very good for a long period of time and then all of a sudden today she tested positive,” Mr Trump said at yesterday’s press briefing, appearing to indicate her doing so reflected a problem with testing in general – amid criticism of US testing capacity.

Katie Miller is married to Trump adviser Stephen Miller, who is reportedly behind much of the White House’s controversial immigration policy, and is allegedly behind a plot to proliferate white nationalist ideology.


White House press secretary praises Trump for putting lives before ‘hottest economy in modern history’


Policing will become ‘more challenging if England and Scotland take different approaches to lockdown restrictions’

Asked on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme whether an easing of rules in England be “problematic”, Scotland’s chief constable Iain Livingstone replied: “I think it would make consistency of the public messaging harder, people would be hearing different things when they listen to different forms of media.”

While he said people are used to distinctions between Scotland and England, on issues such as the judiciary and drink driving, the chief constable went on: “It would be harder than it’s been, but I’m confident that police would be able to respond to any differentials that the politicians decide upon.”

Read the full report by Ashley Cowburn here:


German minister admits ‘Europe was not prepared for this crisis’

In a statement marking Europe Day, German foreign minister Heiko Maas said: “If we look back to the beginning of the crisis, we must admit that Europe was not sufficiently prepared for this pandemic.

“In its initial stages, many countries were very preoccupied with themselves – including Germany. But this was necessary in order to secure our own capacity to act and also to be able to help others.

“Since then, the European Union has grown stronger with each passing day of this crisis.”


Exclusive: Chancellor urged to fill £5bn funding gap for local councils as coronavirus crisis hits town halls

A cross-party group of MPs is putting pressure on chancellor Rishi Sunak to fill a £5bn gap in funding for local councils, as town hall chiefs warn that the additional burden from coronavirus has left their finances “stretched to the maximum”, Andrew Woodcock reports.

A second £1.6bn tranche of funding promised by communities secretary Robert Jenrick to help councils deal with Covid-19 has yet to reach them, and a survey of local authorities is understood to show that additional costs and lost income due to the virus amount to four times the sums provided by government.

While local government bosses have welcomed the injection of £3.2bn in central government funds to cover extra costs from coronavirus, there is growing anger in town halls at a Whitehall narrative that their financial worries have been dealt with.

The 26 MPs who signed the letter to Mr Sunak and Mr Jenrick highlighted the extra burden on councils in supporting care homes, sourcing and distributing PPE, supplying emergency food packages and distributing business grants at a time when revenues from car parking, leisure centres, planning applications and other sources has plummeted.

The signatories, led by former Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron and including the party’s current acting leader Ed Davey, senior Labour backbenchers including Hilary Benn and Sarah Champion, Green MP Caroline Lucas and SDLP leader Colum Eastwood, warned:  “On the ground, we are hearing the fear and anxiety of our councillors as they battle to keep our communities safe, healthy and housed.

Read the full report here:


Tourism reopening plans would be ‘on the scrapheap’ under new quarantine plans, airport boss says

As the government briefs airlines and airports on its plan to make arrivals to the UK self-isolate for two weeks, the travel industry has deplored the timing of quarantine,
Simon Calder reports.

The aim of the 14-day quarantine is to reduce “transmission of the virus as we move into the next phase of our response,” according to a government source. But a spokesperson for the Airport Operators’ Association said it will “halt virtually all passenger traffic for a prolonged period of time and discourage airlines from restarting operations”.

Tim Jeans, chairman of Cornwall Airport Newquay and former managing director of Monarch told the BBC Today programme: ”To say that it’s come too late would be something of an understatement.

“Here we are seven weeks after the lockdown and this has been announced potentially to come at the end of the month – with an indeterminate cut off.

“Even though we are now potentially past the peak, we’re now going to close our borders. All the plans that airports and airlines had for restarting operations are now on the scrapheap and will have to go back to square one.”



Wales announcement of plan to ease lockdown ‘not intended to be form of pressure’ on PM

Wales’ first minister Mark Drakeford has said it was “definitely not” his intention for his announcement on Friday to pressurise Boris Johnson into coming into step with Wales ahead of the PM’s address on Sunday, in which he is expected to slightly ease some lockdown restrictions.

“My responsibility is to tell people in Wales the regime that they will be facing over the next three weeks,” he said.

“Our three-week review ended on Friday and I was keen to make sure that people in Wales know the decisions that their government are making on their behalf.

“It’s not intended to be a form of pressure or anything else on anybody else, it’s simply in a devolved United Kingdom – 20 years of devolution – to discharge the responsibilities that we have in Wales in a way that demonstrates to people in Wales the decisions that we are making for them.”

He added that he believes there will be a “common approach” to easing lockdown across the UK, saying: “It’s inevitable that we have to fine-tune that approach to meet the different circumstances of different parts of the United Kingdom but I think that we will move forward in the same basic way.”


Saudi Arabia ‘holding prince incommunicado after detaining him as he self-isolated

Saudi Arabian authorities recently detained and are holding incommunicado Prince Faisal bin Abdullah, who had previously been ensnared in an anti-corruption drive and released in late 2017, Human Rights Watch has said.

Citing a source with ties to the royal family, the rights group said Prince Faisal bin Abdulla – a son of late monarch King Abdullah – was detained by security forces in late March while self-isolating due to the coronavirus pandemic at a family compound northeast of Riyadh.

The detention could not be independently verified and the Saudi government did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

Earlier in March, authorities had detained King Salman’s brother, Prince Ahmed bin Abdulaziz, and former crown prince Mohammed bin Nayef, who was replaced in a 2017 palace coup and placed under house arrest, sources had told the news agency.

The move was a preemptive effort to ensure compliance within the ruling Al Saud family ahead of an eventual succession to the throne by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman upon the king’s death or abdication, sources with royal connections said at the time.


‘Summer is not going to make this go away’: Temperature has little or no impact on spread of coronavirus, new study suggests

Scientists say warm weather is unlikely to greatly hamper the spread of coronavirus, dashing the hopes of many — including Donald Trump — who had suggested summer could provide relief from the global pandemic, Jon Sharman reports.

Researchers in Canada examined the spread of Covid-19 around the world in late March in places with different humidities, latitudes and public health measures, such as social distancing.

Dr Peter Juni, of the University of Toronto, said in a press release that the team found little or no link between infection spread and temperature or latitude, and only a weak association with humidity.