/Coronavirus news – live: Pubs might have to demand proof of jab, as India pauses AstraZeneca vaccine exports

Coronavirus news – live: Pubs might have to demand proof of jab, as India pauses AstraZeneca vaccine exports

Pub landlords could require customers to provide proof they have been vaccinated against coronavirus, Boris Johnson has suggested.

The prime minister told the Commons Liaison Committee it may be left up to “individual publicans” as to whether they can ask punters for domestic vaccine passports to enter venues.

It comes as India temporary paused all major exports of the Oxford/AstraZeneca jab made by the Serum Institute of India (SII) amid an increase in domestic demand following a surge in infection numbers.

Meanwhile, AstraZeneca has said its vaccine has 76 per cent efficacy against symptomatic Covid-19, after the pharmaceutical giant updated analysis of the third phase of testing.


Leader of lockdown-sceptic MPs opposed to extension of ‘very significant draconian powers’

Former chief whip Mark Harper, leader of the Covid Recovery Group of lockdown-sceptic Tory MPs, said he is opposed to ministers looking to extend “very significant draconian powers” for a further six months.

He made the remarks as MPs prepare to vote on whether to keep some of the emergency powers in the Coronavirus Act in place until the autumn.

Mr Harper, who said he thinks plans to ease the lockdown “could safely go more quickly”, told Sky News: “The biggest problem today is the extension of some very significant draconian powers in the Coronavirus Act which the government doesn’t want to extend until June, it actually wants to extend all the way into October.

“And these are quite significant powers; they are powers, for example, for the police to detain people indefinitely and to continue having powers to shutdown events and so forth all the way through to October.

“And I haven’t heard a single good answer about why the government wishes to do that, given that the prime minister has said he wants to be out of all of our legal restrictions by June.”

Samuel Osborne25 March 2021 09:09


Use of vaccine passports should not be left to ‘discretion’ of pub landlords, Ed Miliband says

Labour shadow business secretary Ed Miliband said ministers should not leave the use of vaccine passports to the “discretion” of pub landlords if they thought it was the right move for public health.

Put to him on ITV’s Good Morning Britain that scientists might recommend the rollout of vaccine passports to encourage people to take up the offer of a jab, Mr Miliband said: “Maybe. I don’t think that’s really the thing that is going to persuade people to get the vaccine.

“I think we’ve done brilliantly in this country at rolling out the vaccine and people taking up the vaccine and the key thing is a campaign of persuasion for people to take up the vaccine. That is the biggest priority.

“Now, if the government has got evidence that this is necessary for people to go to hospitality venues, let’s look at that evidence. That isn’t quite what the prime minister said yesterday.

“And indeed if it was necessary, why would you be leaving it up to individual landlords? If this was really a public health measure, you wouldn’t be saying, ‘Well, it is going to be a landlord discretion’ – you’d be saying, ‘This is the government’s view, this is what’s safe’.

“So there are many, many unanswered questions about this.”

Samuel Osborne25 March 2021 08:56


Pubs demanding proof of vaccination ‘poorly thought-out idea’, chief of pub group says

Jonathan Neame, chief executive of Shepherd Neame pub group, has said making vaccination a mandatory prerequisite to attend a pub is “a fairly poorly thought-out idea” which could lead to young staff having to deal with intimidation from customers.

He told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “I’m very concerned about the pressure we put on our young people – 50 per cent of people (working) in pubs are under 25 – you’re going to force them to make some very challenging judgments, because they’re not qualified or trained as door staff, as they might be in the nightclub sector.

“So those people might therefore be subject to intimidation, if people think they are being unfairly discriminated against, and then there’s the question about who’s going to enforce this – are police going to do random checks?

“I don’t think so, I don’t think that’s the society we want.”

He added: “This is a fraught with difficulty I think, and it is, in my view, a fairly poorly thought-out idea at this stage.”

Samuel Osborne25 March 2021 08:38


Pub landlords could demand proof of vaccination, Johnson suggests

Boris Johnson has suggested that pub landlords could be allowed to require customers to provide proof they are vaccinated against coronavirus.

The prime minister told the Commons Liaison Committee on Wednesday that it may be left up to “individual publicans” as to whether they can ask punters for domestic vaccine passports to enter venues.

Ministers are currently reviewing the possibility of introducing a document providing proof that a person has either been vaccinated against the virus or tested negative as part of the drive to return to normality.

Samuel Osborne25 March 2021 08:22


India has put a temporary hold on all major exports of the Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine made by the Serum Institute of India (SII) amid an increase in domestic demand due to a surge in infection.

It will also affect supplies to Gavi, the World Health Organisation (WHO)-backed vaccine alliance, through which more than 190 participating economies – 98 higher-income and 92 low and middle-income — are expected to get doses.

Samuel Osborne25 March 2021 08:04


AstraZeneca vaccine is 76% effective against symptomatic Covid, latest trial data shows

AstraZeneca has said its vaccine is 76 per cent effective against symptomatic Covid-19, after the firm updated analysis of the third phase of testing.

Samuel Osborne25 March 2021 07:46


Good morning and welcome to the latest coronavirus updates.

Samuel Osborne25 March 2021 07:41