/Covid news – live: England under threat of third lockdown as Oxford vaccine rollout begins

Covid news – live: England under threat of third lockdown as Oxford vaccine rollout begins

Scotland will go back into a national lockdown from midnight tonight, while Boris Johnson will make a televised address at 8pm in which he is set to announce tougher measures to control the coronavirus as England looks likely to be placed under a new national lockdown.

It comes as government figures today revealed the UK has reached another record daily high of 58,784 new coronavirus cases, making this the seventh consecutive day in a row there have been over 50,000 new Covid cases across Britain. 

Nicola Sturgeon announced people must “stay home” on mainland Scotland, teachers unions called for a “pause” in the return to schools as many primary school children are expected to return to classrooms today.

With all primary schools in London and some surrounding areas having delayed their reopenings until 18 January, council leaders elsewhere in England have urged the government to allow schools to remain closed and switch to remote learning.

It comes as as the first doses of the Oxford University and AstraZeneca vaccine have been administered. Just over half a million doses will be available from Monday, in what Matt Hancock, the health secretary, described as a “pivotal moment” in the UK’s fight against the coronavirus.


Covid alert level should move from four to five, UK’s CMOs warn

The UK’s chief medical officers have called for the country to be moved into Covid-19 Alert Level 5 for the first time, which means the NHS is at “material risk” of being overwhelmed.

My colleague Kate Ng reports:

UK Covid-19 alert level raised from 4 to 5

The UK’s chief medical officers have called for the country to be moved into Covid-19 Alert Level 5 for the first time, which means the NHS is at “material risk” of being overwhelmed.

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 18:21


Seventh consecutive day UK sees over 50,000 new Covid cases

The UK has recorded 58,784 new coronavirus cases, in the seventh consecutive day that there have been more than 50,000 daily cases.

Here’s our report on those figures:

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 18:02


Mosques cancel services ahead of PM’s announcement

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 17:56


UK reports record-high 58,784 new coronavirus cases

The UK has recorded 58,784 new coronavirus cases, in the seventh consecutive day that there have been more than 50,000 daily cases.

This means today’s is officially the highest daily total since the start of the pandemic, and that some 2,713,563 people have now tested positive for Covid in the UK.

Government figures also show there have been 407 more deaths in the past 24 hours.

The latest numbers compare to the 54,990 coronavirus infections and 454 deaths recorded on Sunday.

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 17:24


London and southeast remain worst-infected areas

The latest stats for England’s worst-infected Covid areas are in…

Of the 315 local areas in England, 292 (93 per cent) have seen a rise in case rates, 22 (7 per cent) have seen a fall, and one is unchanged.

Barking & Dagenham in London continues to have the highest rate in England, with 3,143 new cases recorded in the seven days to 31 December – the equivalent of 1,476.2 cases per 100,000 people.

This is up from 1,106.1 in the seven days to Christmas Eve.

Thurrock in Essex has the second highest rate, up slightly from 1,371.5 to 1,389.2, with 2,422 new cases.

Redbridge in London is in third place, rising from 1,177.5 to 1,381.9 with 4,218 new cases.

The areas recording the biggest week-on-week jumps are Carlisle (up from 361.6 to 847.5 with 921 new cases); Rushmoor in Hampshire (up from 677.6 to 1,125.8 with 1,065 new cases); and the Isle of Wight (up from 229.9 to 677.1, with 960 new cases).

Additional reporting by PA

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 17:16


Starmer: UK needs ‘contract of lockdown and vaccines’

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said a national lockdown “must” be introduced “now”, which, he admitted, “tragically means school closures”.

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 17:01


FA Cup teams to be Covid tested 72 hours before matches

Sixty-four sides will take part in this weekend’s FA Cup ties, and – under guidelines set out by the governing body – all must be tested 72 hours before their respective matches.

With weekly testing not in place for Football League and non-league teams, many of whom have suffered match postponements over the Christmas period, there are concerns that the third-round schedule will be massively impacted.

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 16:51


NI’s Arlene Foster hints at UK-wide lockdown

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 16:35


London Zoo to close tomorrow, regardless of lockdown

My colleague Vincent Wood reports the following:

Lockdown or no lockdown, London Zoo plans to close tomorrow in a move designed to protect staff following surging numbers of coronavirus cases in the capital.

Before Boris Johnson’s 8pm briefing was announced senior officials at the Zoological Society of London had already decided to only open the world’s oldest scientific zoo on weekends in a bid to reduce staffing and protect key employees who will continue to care for its animals.

It comes a day after a briefing from the Labour Party highlighted zoos as one of the businesses that were still permitted to stay open under tier 4 lockdown restrictions despite high virus prevalence across the UK.

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 16:31


Teachers in Scotland could receive ‘accelerated’ vaccine

Scotland is to consider calls for teachers to receive fast-tracked coronavirus vaccines, Nicola Sturgeon has announced, though she stressed it would be “unethical” not to prioritise those most at risk of dying from Covid.

Scotland’s first minister said the government would look at how to “accelerate” the vaccination of teachers and school staff as part of efforts to safely reopen schools. She also confirmed on Monday that schools in Scotland will remain closed until at least the start of February, with in-person teaching replaced by online learning.

Children who are most vulnerable and whose parents are classed as key workers will still be able to attend schools.

Ms Sturgeon said she wants school staff “vaccinated as quickly as possible”, but not at the expense of those deemed clinically most at risk from the virus.

Announcing a new lockdown to the Scottish Parliament, she said: “We are considering whether and to what extent – consistent with our overall duty to vaccinate the most vulnerable first in line with JCVI recommendations – we can achieve vaccination of school and childcare staff as a priority”.

Jane Peckham, from the NASUWT teaching union in Scotland, said today: “We welcome the first minister’s commitment to look at prioritising school staff for vaccination.

“The NASUWT believes that vaccination of teachers and other staff must be introduced as a central pillar of ensuring the safe operation of schools during the pandemic.

“Prioritising the vaccination of school staff will support the shared aim of restoring in-person teaching for pupils as soon as this can safely be achieved.”

Sam Hancock4 January 2021 16:17