/Covid news – live: Fears new variant could ‘run rampant’ with travel easing as Pfizer recommends third dose

Covid news – live: Fears new variant could ‘run rampant’ with travel easing as Pfizer recommends third dose

<p>People wearing masks cross a road in Tokyo, Japan, on 27 July, 2021. </p>

People wearing masks cross a road in Tokyo, Japan, on 27 July, 2021.

(Getty Images)

Tokyo has recorded its highest ever number of daily Covid-19 infections, with officials growing increasing alarmed by the country’s outbreak.

The capital. which is currently hosting the 2020 Olympic Games, announced 3,177 new infections on Wednesday, several hundred higher than the 2,848 seen on Tuesday.

This comes as the country had more than 10,000 cases on Thursday, the most cases seen in a 24-hour period since the start of the pandemic.

“We have never experienced an expansion in the infections of this magnitude,” chief cabinet secretary Katsunobu Kato said.

In response, Yoshihide Suga, the Japanese prime minister, said the government will decide on Friday whether to declare regional states of emergency.

Meanwhile, federal workers in the US will need to be vaccinated against Covid-19 or be tested regularly, reports suggest.

President Joe Biden is expected to announce the policy in a press conference later on Thursday. It will affect at least 2.18 million civilian employees.


Do not travel to some Greek islands, EU health body warns

People should only travel to Greece’s south Aegean islands for essential reasons, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control has warned.

The group of 13 islands, which include Mykonos and Rhodes, are coloured “dark red” on the health body’s Covid-19 map because of a surge in infections there.

This comes as Greece tries to kickstart its travel industry by promoting its “Covid-free” islands.

Rory Sullivan29 July 2021 15:10


French travellers have to quarantine in UK because of cases 6,000 miles away, Raab admits

A French island in the Indian Ocean is the reason holidaymakers travelling from France to the UK need to self-isolate upon arrival, the foreign secretary has said.

Dominic Raab told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme that the country was on the amber plus travel list “based on the prevalence of the so-called Beta variant, in particular in the Reunion bit of France”.

He added that “we want to get France up the traffic light system as soon as possible”.

In response, a spokesperson for Brittany Ferries said: “This is madness. It would be like France hammering British holidaymakers due to a Covid outbreak on the Falkland Islands.

“It makes you wonder if those in the centre of power have access to an atlas or a geography GCSE between them.”

Rory Sullivan29 July 2021 14:50


Germany to require proof of immunity or negative test result

From this weekend, all travellers arriving in Germany will have to prove immunity from Covid-19 or show a negative test result.

This was previously only required of passengers travelling from “high-incidence areas”.

“The incidence level in Germany is currently quite low in comparison to other states,” the health ministry said in a paper on Wednesday. “Increased travel activity risks turning that trend.”

Germany had 3,142 new Covid-19 cases on Thursday, far below the levels seen in places like the UK.

Rory Sullivan29 July 2021 14:30


Expect a ‘bumpy’ autumn, Van-Tam warns

The country should expect a “bumpy” autumn and winter, England’s deputy chief medical officer has warned.

Professor Jonathan Van-Tam told the BBC that he was unsure whether there would be a fourth coronavirus wave.

Rory Sullivan29 July 2021 14:25


60,000 Covid-19 deaths prevented by vaccines, PHE data shows

Around 60,000 deaths and 22 million Covid-19 cases have been prevented by coronavirus vaccines, Public Health England figures show.

Professor Jonathan Van-Tam announced the latest figures while speaking to the BBC on Thursday afternoon.

This was “truly massive”, England’s deputy chief medical officer said.

Rory Sullivan29 July 2021 14:21


Flight bookings from US soar

Bookings for flights from the US to the UK have soared after the government announced it will lift its quarantine requirement from Monday.

Juha Jarvinen, the chief commercial officer at Virgin Atlantic, said: “Flight bookings are up by more than 100 per cent week-on-week, with bookings from New York to London increasing by nearly 250 per cent, compared to the previous week. We’ve missed flying our US-based customers and we’re excited to welcome them back on board soon.”

He added that the UK was still “overly cautious” in its approach to international travel.

Rory Sullivan29 July 2021 14:00


Israel to offer third Pfizer vaccine doses to over 60s, reports suggest

Israel will start offering a third dose of the Pfizer jab to its over-60s, local media reports suggest.

The move comes in a bid to ward off the threat of the Delta variant.

Rory Sullivan29 July 2021 13:41


Japan sees more than daily 10,000 Covid-19 cases

On Thursday, Japan’s daily coronavirus cases rose above 10,000 for the first time.

In response, Yoshihide Suga, the Japanese prime minister, said the government will decide whether to declare regional states of emergency.

The worsening outbreak comes a week into the Tokyo Olympics.

Rory Sullivan29 July 2021 13:17


Long Covid among military ‘deeply concerning’

Fears over the “shadow” cast by long Covid on the UK’s military have been raised after more than 450 personnel sought rehabilitation help for the effects of the virus.

Government data shows 462 armed forces personnel have sought out at least one Covid-related appointment at a special rehabilitation centre.

Of those, 447 had a check-up via a Covid outpatient appointment, and 260 attended a Defence Covid Recovery Service appointment.

Another form of support, a Covid course appointment, was provided to 224 people.

The numbers asking for rehabilitation support were described as “deeply concerning” by Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran, who chairs the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Coronavirus.

She said: “These striking figures add to an already concerning picture of the shadow being cast by long Covid over our armed forces. The total inadequacy of the Government’s response to the rise of this condition so far is plain to see.

“We rely on our armed forces for our protection, so it’s deeply concerning to hear that such numbers have been living with this often life-limiting condition. With personnel numbers already cut back so far in recent years, we can’t afford to let long Covid add to that any further.

“An urgent strategy is needed to respond to the threat posed by long Covid and provide support to the thousands of people suffering from the long-term consequences of this pandemic.”

Jane Dalton29 July 2021 13:03


Thai hospitals ‘at brink of collapse’

Hospitals in Bangkok have run out of beds, forcing doctors in some cases to treat patients in car parks, as reports have emerged of patients dying on roads while waiting for treatment.

Medical chiefs have asked patients to isolate at home or in community isolation centres, writes Stuti Mishra:

Jane Dalton29 July 2021 12:50