/Covid UK news – live: Cases fall by nearly a third since lockdown as Boris Johnson to appeal to tier rebels

Covid UK news – live: Cases fall by nearly a third since lockdown as Boris Johnson to appeal to tier rebels

A man is seen being tested for Covid-19 at a testing site

A man is seen being tested for Covid-19 at a testing site

(Getty Images stock image)

Diagnosed cases for Covid-19 fell by 30 per cent during the middle of England’s lockdown in November, a study has shown.

The research by Imperial College London says infections fell by more than half in the North West and North East, and were also down in Yorkshire and the Humber but they remained high in the East and West Midlands.

According to round seven of the study, which involved 105,000 volunteers, there were 96 people infected per 10,000 between November 13 and 24, down from 132 per 10,000 between 26 October and 2 November.

It comes as the Prime Minister Boris Johnson is preparing to share analysis of the health, economic and social ramifications of the measures taken to suppress Covid-19 with the new tier system, due to be launched again this week.

Mr Johnson has faced threats of a revolt from fellow Conservative MPs who are worried about the impact of going into tier 3 in their constituency.

A vote on the new tiers will be held on Tuesday.


New Christmas trading rules ‘not decided’, Mr Eustice says

George Eustice has said plans to allow 24-hour trading in the run-up to Christmas have not yet been decided.

But Mr Eustice said a “range of measures” were being observed with no plans set in stone yet.

The Environment Secretary told BBC Breakfast: “We are looking at a range of measures to try and ensure that we don’t get overcrowding in stores, so, while retail venues are going to open from 2 December – that’s very important – we also want to ensure we can maintain social distancing, we want to avoid crowds, so a range of measures are being considered.

“I’m not sure whether there has been a decision yet on round-the-clock opening, but I know there has been some discussion around the Sunday trading hours and some easements there.”

Isobel Frodsham30 November 2020 09:40


George Eustice urges Labour to back the government with Tuesday’s vote

The environment secretary has called for the opposition to back Boris Johnson’s government ahead of the vote to bring in the new restrictions this week.

Parliament is due to gather on Tuesday to vote through the new tier systems, which would then come into force on 2 December.

Now Mr Eustice has said Labour should not “play politics” by blocking a return to the tier system.

Speaking to BBC Breakfast, he said: “My own personal view on this is that at times of national emergency, which is highly unusual emergency measures, it’s not the moment for any political party, whether in opposition, whether in Government, to play politics.

“There are times when people of all parties need to try and make the right judgment, and we are doing this.”

Isobel Frodsham30 November 2020 09:31


Scotland’s First Minister plans for quiet Christmas with husband

Nicola Sturgeon has said she has made changes to her own plans for Christmas to align with the new rules that will take place over the Christmas break.

And the Scottish First Minister said she is taking a restrictive approach with her own Christmas, cutting down the number of guests she hosts.

She told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: “Normally, Christmas, my husband and I would have both our families here in our own home. We will not be doing that this year.

“I’ve not seen my parents since July and I would dearly love to see them today and at Christmas, but I don’t want to put them at risk when a vaccine is so close.

“We might go and have a family walk somewhere, but the idea … of an indoors Christmas dinner is something we will not do this year.”

Isobel Frodsham30 November 2020 09:14


MPs are “concerned” about the new Covid-19 restrictions, Mr Eustice says

Ahead of the vote on Tuesday, which will see MPs in the House of Commons vote on the proposals for the new tiered system, the environment secretary said up to 100 Conservatives have “got concerns” about the new restrictions.

Mr Eustice told Sky News: “The chief whip, obviously, will be talking to those MPs who have got concerns. I’ve seen suggestions that there could be up to 100 or so people that have got concerns.”

He added: “I think there is great frustration with the emergency measures that we have had to take to deal with this pandemic.

“We haven’t taken them lightly. We have had to take these to get the virus under control.

“What we need to show to those MPs and to the country at large is that we have got a clear route towards fixing this problem and turning the corner.”

Isobel Frodsham30 November 2020 08:58


Environment secretary refuses to rule out potential third lockdown in January

Rumours of a third lockdown taking place in the New Year have swirled since Boris Johnson warned last week if the tiered restrictions were not stuck to, there could be another lockdown in 2021.

And this morning, environment secretary George Eustice said he felt it was not “necessary” to go back into another full lockdown if the tiers remain in place.

When asked whether he could rule out another lockdown, the cabinet minster told Sky News: “You can’t rule anything out because this is a rapidly developing situation.”


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