/General election news – live: BBC demands Conservatives pull completely unacceptable ads editing presenters to make it look as though they are criticising Brexit delay

General election news – live: BBC demands Conservatives pull completely unacceptable ads editing presenters to make it look as though they are criticising Brexit delay

Boris Johnson election news live: Latest polls and updates as BBC demands Tories pull ‘completely unacceptable’ ads


Friday 29 November 2019 13:50

The BBC has demanded the Conservatives pull campaign adverts posted on Facebook that uses edited snippets of its news output, with the broadcaster and the party still at loggerheads over the prime minister’s refusal to confirm an interview with Andrew Neil

It comes as Boris Johnson has refused to say how many children he has during an appearance on LBC. Asked by host Nick Ferrari if he was “fully and wholly involved” with all of his children, Mr Johnson said: “I love my children very much but they’re not standing at this election.”

Mr Johnson was branded “a coward and a bully” by Labour after the Conservatives complained to Ofcom about the Channel 4 climate change debate. A new survey shows Labour cutting the Tory lead – further evidence of a narrowing in the polls.

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Labour cuts into Tory lead, latest poll shows


The latest survey by Panelbase provides more evidence of a narrowing in the polls: Labour are up two points on 34 per cent, cutting the Tory lead from 10 points to eight.


It follows a series of polls this week in which Labour reduced the gap. The findings are likely to worry Tory strategists and fuel their fears of a repeat of 2017.



PM criticised after admitting no-deal Brexit still a possibility


Labour has described Boris Johnson’s Brexit promises as “an utter sham” after he suggested in a press conference that no deal planning would continue – despite his pledge to leave the EU with a deal by the 31 January.


Sir Keir Starmer said : “This is a stark admission from Boris Johnson that a no deal Brexit is still on the table.


“His ‘get Brexit done’ rhetoric is an utter sham.”



Boris Johnson caught up in row over ‘throat gesture’

In a radio interview on LBC, the prime minister was caught on camera doing what appeared to be a gesture to cut off a caller asking about social care policy.

The footage provoked outrage on social media, as it appeared the PM was trying to dodge the question.

However – Mr Johnson noticed the gesture on a TV in the studio and commented live on air: “The reason I was momentarily distracted is because I was looking at the TV screen and there was a picture of me drawing my hand across my throat.

“But that was only because I was imitating you. I was suddenly mystified to see this picture of myself.”

Nick Ferrari, the presenter, later tweeted: “To clarify the PM’s gesture this morning on LBC, this is sign language between me and my producer to signify he needs to stay quiet in my ear.

“It’s been in common use for over 10 years. End of.”




BBC refuses to allow Boris Johnson on Andrew Marr show unless he agrees to Andrew Neil grilling

The BBC has refused to allow Boris Johnson to appear on its Andrew Marr programme unless he also agrees to be grilled by Andrew Neil.

No 10 had attempted to defuse the growing controversy over the prime minister’s refusal to appear before the BBC’s most-aggressive interviewer by offering to appear on the rival show, on Sunday morning.

But a BBC spokesperson told The Independent: “The BBC has refused the Conservatives offer to put the prime minister on the Andrew Marr programme until he agrees a date for Andrew Neil.”

 (Dominic Lipinski/PA Wire/PA Images)


School inspectors to carry out ‘no-notice’ checks if Conservatives win general election

School inspectors will carry out “no notice” checks if the Conservatives win the general election, as Boris Johnson makes the future of Ofsted an election issue.

Labour has pledged to abolish the inspectorate, blaming it for “high levels of teacher workload and stress” which is driving staff out of the profession.

But the prime minister will instead vow to give Ofsted greater powers and higher funding, arguing that is the way to improve discipline and raise school standards.


PM: ‘I do not set out to mislead the electorate


Boris Johnson has tried to explain his comment that the monarchy was “beyond reproach”. He made the remark when asked for his view on the state of the monarchy in the wake of the controversy surrounding the Duke of York.


The PM said: “On the monarchy, the monarchy is the Queen. That in my view, she is beyond reproach. There is a distinction between the monarchy and the royal family and everybody will readily appreciate that.


“It is an obvious definitional (sic) distinction.”


Asked about whether Jacob Rees-Mogg had a future in his team, Johnson said any comments on a future government would be seen as “measuring up the curtains” at Downing Street. He said Rees-Mogg was “in good health, to the best of my knowledge”.


Asked about the idea of trust and lies, he said: “I do not set out to mislead the electorate.”


The PM also denied that he was “running scared” by dragging his heels on committing to an interview with Andrew Neil. In response to a question by the BBC correspondent John Pienaar, he said: “Here I am submitting happily and jointly to your interrogation and there can be no more fearsome interviewer than yourself.”


Boris Johnson’s father says ‘absurd’ to call PM a liar


Stanley Johnson has been speaking on the BBC’s Victoria Derbyshire programme about the trust issues his son faces.


Replying to one viewer’s comment describing the prime minister as “Pinocchio”, Johnson Sr. replied: “Pinocchio? That requires a degree of literacy which the great British public doesn’t necessarily have.”


Asked what he meant, he said: “They couldn’t spell Pinocchio if they tried, I should have thought.”


Turning more serious he says: “I think it is utterly absurd and wrong that you can read out, on air, a tweet, coming in from one of your readers, on air, that calls the prime minister a liar. I think it’s amazing you can do that.”



PM claims his old columns are ‘twisted and distorted’ out of context


Boris Johnson has been asked again about his remarks on single mothers in a Spectator column (he described the children of single mothers as “ill-raised, ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate” in the unearthed piece).


He told reporters: “Out of millions of words I’ve written everybody is able to find some that they can cull from the text, and twist them and distort them in whatever way they choose.”


Johnson later addressed it by saying: “I’ll just repeat my point – you can always find bits and pieces that seem to mean one thing, in fact almost invariably the article in question is saying something very different.”


Boris Johnson at press conference in London (Reuters)



PM says he will bring Brexit bill ‘back before Christmas’


Boris Johnson is speaking at campaign event alongside the former Labour MP and Vote Leave campaign colleague Gisela Stuart – backing him at the election.


“A vote for Boris Johnson is a vote to get Brexit done,” says Stuart.


Johnson says he wants to bring his Withdrawal Agreement Bill “back before Christmas” and get the UK out of the EU by 31 January.


Johnson warned that a hung parliament would lead to Brexit being further “delayed, denied”.


“If there is another hung parliament after this election, then the deadlock will continue,” said the PM. “The probability would be that Jeremy Corbyn would be in Downing Street propped up by Nicola Sturgeon.


“But if there is a Conservative majority government, then we can deliver on the change people voted for.


“Our first move would be to bring the Withdrawal Agreement back before Christmas and then leave the EU on January 31. No ifs, no buts – we’ll get it done.”


Boris Johnson flanked by Michael Gove and Gisela Stuart (AP)



Sturgeon wants hung parliament to thwart Johnson


Nicola Sturgeon has said she is hoping for a hung parliament in the early hours of 13 December.


Speaking on BBC Radio 4’s Women’s Hour, the SNP leader said: “I absolutely would never countenance the SNP doing anything that would allow Boris Johnson to walk through the doors of No 10.


“I will do everything I can to make sure that Boris Johnson is not calling the shots on 13 December.”


Sturgeon also said there would be no formal coalition with Labour – but suggests there could be some informal arrangement that might allow Jeremey Corbyn to become PM.


“I’m not a great fan of Jeremy Corbyn,” she said.


‘I am not going to put them onto the pitch’: PM shuts down questions on his children


Our correspondent Lizzy Buchan has more on Boris Johnson’s refused to say how many children he has during his LBC interview.


The PM has four children with his ex-wife Marina Wheeler and a daughter from an extra-marital affair, but he is also believed to have fathered another child outside of his marriage.


You can watch Johnson’s awkward encounter with Nick Ferrari here:




Sturgeon says ‘debate to be had’ about future of monarchy


The SNP have clarified the party would keep the monarchy in an independent Scotland after Nicola Sturgeon has said there is “a debate to be had” over its future in the wake of the controversy over the Duke of York.


Andrew stepped down from public duties after mounting pressure following his BBC Newsnight interview about his friendship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.


In an interview on ITV, Sturgeon said a debate about the monarchy should not be a distraction from Epstein’s victims. However, when asked if the issue made her consider whether the monarchy is fit for purpose, she replied: “I think it raises a number of questions.


“I think there is a debate to be had about the longer term future of the monarchy, one of the things though in the context of Prince Andrew that I feel very strongly about is that a debate about the monarchy shouldn’t be a distraction from Epstein’s victims and how they now get whatever justice they can get and get the truth and the ability to move on.


“And I think while, yes, there is a debate to be had about the former, I don’t think it should become conflated with that or be used in any way to sort of take attention from that.”


A spokesman for the SNP said: “SNP policy is to keep the monarchy in an independent Scotland.


“The First Minister was reflecting the general discussions that have taken place in recent weeks on issues such as the size of the monarchy. The FM shares the admiration that the Queen is held in across the UK and has no intention of changing of SNP policy.”


Tory video ‘distorts our output’ BBC tells party chairman


Here’s the Tory election video that’s causing so much trouble. The BBC has written to party chairman James Cleverly demanding they pulls the ads appearing on Facebook that use edited snippets of its news output.


The Tory promotional material “distorts our output,” could “damage perceptions of our impartiality,” and was “completely unacceptable,” the broadcaster has said.



PM claims ‘no evidence’ of Russian interference in British politics


LBC caller Noel asked about recent reports of donors linked to Vladimir Putin giving to the Tory Party, and why the security committee report has not yet been released.


Johnson said: “What I can tell Noel is that I know absolutely no evidence that Russia or indeed any other power has successfully or otherwise interfered in (pause) the politics of this country.”


Ferrari said: “Why did you take so long to get to that word?” and asked what he was worried about in the report.


Johnson said: “Seriously, there’s nothing. Obviously, I can’t discuss intelligence matters.”


Asked about whether he will take part in an interview with veteran journalist Andrew Neil, something he has yet to commit to, he said: “I’m much happier frankly to talk about my policies, what we’re doing for the people of this country rather than endless debates about media and process.”


Boris Johnson refuses to say how many children he has


The prime minister has been asked bluntly by LBC’s Nick Ferrari: “How many children do you have?”


Johnson said: “I love my children very much – they are not standing at this election.”


Asked by Ferrari if he was “fully and wholly involved” with all of his children, Johnson repeated: “I love my children very much but they’re not standing at this election. With great respect to you Nick, I’m not going to [discuss it] at all.


“I’m not going to put them onto the pitch in this election campaign, when I think what people want to hear is what my plans are for the country, what this country is determined to do, and how we’re going to take the country forward.


“That is the way all parties should be judged.”


Asked if the country could expect the “pitter and patter of tiny feet” if Johnson and partner Carrie Symonds remain in Downing Street, the PM replied: “I’m going to make the same point, I’m not going to get into discussions.”


Boris Johnson on Nick Ferrari’s LBC show (PA)



‘I don’t appreciate what you’ve said’: PM challenged on comments about single mothers


Boris Johnson has been asked by a listener, Ruth from Oldham, about his much-criticised Spectator columns on single mothers. Johnson wrote that the children described the children of single mothers as “ill-raised, ignorant, aggressive and illegitimate” in the unearthed piece.


“I don’t appreciate what you’ve said about single mothers – and by implication my family. Why are you happy to criticise people like me when you refuse to discuss your family?”


The prime minister sighed when Ferrari read out some of the column, and said: “I mean absolutely no disrespect to you or indeed to anybody. These are 25-year-old quotations culled from articles written before I think was even in politics. If you look at the article itself it bear no resemblance to what’s been claimed.”


He claimed his opponents were “just trying to distract”.


Asked about comments made by key Downing Street adviser Dominic Cummings in 2017 that “people think – and by the way, I think most people are right – the Tory Party is run by people who basically don’t care about people like me”, Johnson replied: “I don’t care – I’m telling you what I think.


“I don’t think Dom Cummings or anyone in No 10 would dispute that we are absolutely dedicated to investing in NHS, public services and taking this country forward.”


Where is Jacob Rees-Mogg?


Nick Ferrari has asked the prime minister what has happened to the Commons leader – conspicuously absent from the election campaign.


“He’s campaigning round the country,” Boris Johnson replied before dismissing the matter as “irrelevant”.


Pressed again about Jacob Rees-Mogg, the LBC host asked Johnson what he said to him after his Grenfell Tower comments (suggesting it would have been “common sense” to flee the burning building against the fire brigade’s advice).


Johnson said: “I’m not going into my conversations with colleagues. I’m not getting into measuring up the curtains type conversations.”


Johnson also dismissed a question about his no show at the Channel 4 debate on climate change. “I can’t do absolutely everything – I’m here talking to Nick … I can’t do every debate.”


Answering a question about the Tory threat to review the publicly-owned broadcaster’s licence, he responded saying: “What we want is a free, fair and exuberant unbridled media. That’s what I want.


“I think a free press is one of the glories of our country and I want to protect it and enshrine it.”


PM admits he plans for 31,000 new nurses – not 50,000


The prime minister has been challenged on the Conservatives’ pledge to have “50,000 new nurses”, with Johnson admitting that only 31,000 would be new recruits.


Johnson said: “I do understand the controversy around this. There are 19,000 that are currently in nursing at the moment… and we thank them very much.”


He added: “The risk is they will leave the profession and we’re putting in the funds to make sure that they stay but there a further 31,000 that we wish to recruit.”


Speaking to Janet from Sunderland, a nurse and Waspi woman, the PM refused to commit to compensating her generation of women for the pension they lost when retirement aged was moved from 60 to 66.


Johnson said it was “not clear where the money was coming from” on Labour’s £58 billion commitment to Waspi women.


“On the Waspi point, I really appreciate the frustration and disappointment so many Waspi women feel about their situation. I understand very much how that has come about,” said the PM.


“What I can’t do now, Janet, is extemporise some (compensation amount)… it wasn’t at all clear to me where this (Labour) money is coming from, to be polite to Mr Corbyn. We have to manage our economy and £58bn is a lot.”


The Tory leader said his administration would do “everything we can to help” those impacted by the pension change.


Johnson claims government working on ‘about a dozen’ post-Brexit trade deals


The prime minister has struggled to answer a LBC listeners’ question about trade deals after Brexit.


Asked how many trade deals the UK has in place ready to go? “I can’t give you the answer as to how many deals are actually formally … We can’t formally conclude deals [until after Brexit].”


Ferrari asks how many are oven ready? “A number are oven ready – I’ll have to come back and give you the number.”


Pressed again, the prime minister said “I imagine we have about a dozen that we’re currently working on.”


PM says ‘NHS not for sale’ – and dismisses Labour claims as ‘Bermuda Triangle stuff’

The prime minister is being interviewed by Nick Ferrari on LBC.


Asked about the Labour accusations that the NHS will be “up for sale” under a Tory government, Ferrari asked: “Is there a trust deficit with you, Mr Johnson? … Because, candidly, you’ve lost your job in the past for lying.”


He replied: “The NHS is not for sale – and under no circumstances will this government or any Conservative government do anything to put the NHS up for negotiation.”


He calls Jeremy Corbyn’s recent press conference – in which he held up a 451-page unredecated dossier of government negotiations with US officials – as “Bermuda Triangle stuff from the Labour party”.


Claiming he always delivers what he sets out to do, Ferrari has reminded him he didn’t deliver the “Garden Bridge” in London. “Well, actually … I will point out it was a viable project.”


Boris Johnson on Nick Ferrari’s LBC show