/Rabbi Mirvis doesn’t speak for me, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong about Jeremy Corbyn

Rabbi Mirvis doesn’t speak for me, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong about Jeremy Corbyn

Rabbi Mirvis doesn’t speak for me, but that doesn’t mean he’s wrong about Jeremy Corbyn | The Independent

Jeremy Corbyn ‘unfit for office’ over handling of Labour antisemitism, says Chief Rabbi

I believe the fears he represents are exaggerated, and British Jews have no sound cause for the remotest concern about a Corbyn government – but not for a moment do I doubt their sincerity

We Jews, begging pardon for the racial stereotyping, are a disputatious people. 

You may know the tale of the orthodox Jewish fella shipwrecked for a dozen years on a desert island, when a royal navy frigate spots him waving frantically from the beach. The captain disembarks, and asks about the ramshackle building the guy has lovingly constructed from palm-tree branches. “That’s the synagogue.” 

“I see. But Mr Goldstein, and forgive the curiosity, what’s that virtually identical building over there?”

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