/Iran missile attack – latest: Tehran issues ‘warning to all American allies’ as Trump responds after rockets hit two US bases in Iraq

Iran missile attack – latest: Tehran issues ‘warning to all American allies’ as Trump responds after rockets hit two US bases in Iraq

Iran news – live: Trump backs away from further military action and says he wants to work with Tehran after missile strikes on US military bases | The Independent


Wednesday 8 January 2020 23:00

Explosions have been heard in Baghdad’s green zone, where the US embassy is located, just hours after Donald Trump made his first significant statement on the Iranian bombing of US bases in Iraq.

Iraqi military officials later said that two Katyusha rockets had been fired into the area but that no one had been hurt.

On Wednesday Mr Trump backed away from military engagement with Iran, instead saying he would impose further sanctions. There were no American casualties in last night’s attack, he added.

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Trump administration post-Iran meeting ‘worst briefing senator has ever seen’


Republican senator Mike Lee has described a closed-door briefing held by Trump administration officials on the situation in Iran today as “the worst briefing, at least on a military issue, I’ve seen”. 


Speaking to reporters after the meeting today, the senator for Utah said: “They were asked repeatedly what, if anything, would trigger the need for the administration to come back to congress for a declaration of war or an authorisation for the use of military force.


“At one point one of the briefers said something along the lines of ‘I’m sure we could think of something’, but they struggled to identify anything.”



Missile attack ‘intended to kill Americans’


Top US Army General Mark Milley has said he believes Iran’s missiles on two Iraqi bases were intended to kill Americans.


The joint chiefs of staffs said: “I believe based on what I saw and what I know is that they were intended to cause structural damage, destroy vehicles and equipment and aircraft and to kill personnel.”


Mr Milley said the fact no one was killed was due to the defensive procedures and the effectiveness of the US early warning system.




In a new update, the US defence secretary has said that 11 missiles exploded inside Al Asad airbase during Iran’s attack last night.


Targets damaged included tents, a car park and a helicopter, Mark Esper said.


Members of Congress do not appear to be happy with the briefing they have received from Trump administration officials on the killing of Qassem Soleimani.



Donald Trump has agreed a full blown war in Iran is the last thing the US needs, according to one political ally.


Senator Rand Paul, among those on the hill who are close to the president, said Mr Trump agreed a ground war would be a bad move for the US.



By negotiating the release of the British-Iranian dual nationals at the height of this volatile state of affairs, the prime minister can send a signal that active diplomacy and goodwill always prevail over the military solution – says Sherry Izadai the wife of Anoosheh Ashoori who is imprisoned in the country.


Writing in the Independent, she adds: “As long as the British government insists on adhering to its current fruitless approach to the fate of dual nationals, innocent individuals such as my husband Anoosheh and Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe will continue to languish inside Evin prison, deprived of their loved ones.

It is the time for decisive diplomacy, not tentative and superficial attempts. It is the time for Boris Johnson to demonstrate to the international community that he is his own man.

More below:





There are no casualties from the rocket attack, the Iraqi military has added.


Reuters cites the Iraqi military as confirming that two Katyusha rockets have fallen inside the green zone.


The projectiles are a Second World War-era Soviet invention, mounted in a rack on a truck or carried one-by-one in man-portable launchers.


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi plans to move forward with a resolution to limit Donald Trump’s military actions with Iran, urging the administration to “advance an immediate, effective de-escalatory strategy that prevents further violence”.


The House Rules Committee will discuss the resolution tonight, and the full House is expected to take up a vote on the measure tomorrow.


Congress’s War Powers Resolution will be led by Michigan Democrat Elissa Slotkin.



Three rockets have struck Baghdad’s green zone, it has been reported.


Two loud blasts followed by sirens were heard on Wednesday night in the Iraqi capital, witnesses said.


The fire was concentrated in the international area of the city where the US embassy among other buildings is located.


The initial assessment of Western intelligence agencies is that a Ukrainian airliner which crashed in Iran on Wednesday was not brought down by a missile, said a Canadian security source.


The source, who declined to be identified, said the agencies believed the Boeing 737 plane had suffered a technical malfunction. The Ukraine International Airline jet crashed shortly after takeoff from Tehran, killing all 176 people on board.


The disaster occurred shortly after Iran launched a series of missile attacks against two military bases in Iraq that housed U.S. troops.


“The initial assessment of Western intelligence agencies is that the plane was not brought down by a missile. There is no evidence to suggest that,” said the source.


The agencies believe the most likely cause of the crash was a malfunction, the source added, saying there was some evidence one of the plane’s engines had overheated.


US intelligence has warned of an increase risk of terror and cyber attacks in the wake of Iranian strikes on Iraqi bases.


The FBI and Homeland Security had expected a physical attack to be the first response from Iran – and the agencies are now anticipating cyber attacks, assassination attempts and potential terror threats from the state’s proxies in Hezbollah to follow – according to a briefing bulletin seen by


Latvia and Denmark temporarily move troops out of Iraq

Latvia is planning to move six of its soldiers deployed in Iraq to Kuwait.

The troops are part of a Danish contingent based near the Iraqi capital of Baghdad, which will also go to Kuwait temporarily.

Kaspars Galkins, spokesman for the Latvian Defence Ministry, said: “First of all, it [the decision] is connected with the security issues and the second reason is that all the training in Iraq is halted at the moment.”

Denmark is also temporarily moving 30 to 40 of its 130 personnel from the Al-Asad air base in Iraq, which was targeted by an Iranian missile strike on Wednesday.


Boris Johnson discusses Middle East with Canada prime minister

Boris Johnson has discussed the situation in the Middle East with Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau during a phone conversation today.

Referring to the Mr Johnson, a Downing Street spokesman said: “He began by offering condolences for the Canadians who lost their lives in the Ukraine International Airlines crash.

“The leaders discussed the need for urgent de-escalation on all sides following last night’s air strike on Iraqi bases hosting coalition forces.

“They also agreed on the importance of coalition forces being able to continue their vital work in Iraq countering the shared threat from Daesh.

“On the nuclear deal, the leaders committed to continue working together and with international partners to ensure Iran is prevented from acquiring a nuclear weapon.”

Mr Trudeau has vowed to get answers after 63 Canadians died in a Ukrainian passenger jet crash just minutes after taking off from Iran’s capital on Wednesday.


Iran will not hand over black box from crashed Boeing to US


Iran has refused to hand over the black box from a crashed Boeing passenger plane to the manufacturer in the US, Iranian state media reports.


The flight recorders, known as black boxes, contain vital information about the final moments of an aircraft before serious crashes, including how the plane’s systems operated and the actions of the pilots over several hours prior to the incident.


Investigators may be able to find out more about the final actions of the pilots, who did not send a mayday warning, from the cockpit voice recorder.


The Ukraine International Airlines Boeing 737 crashed shortly after take-off from Tehran, killing all 176 people on board.





Here are two satellite images from the Middlebury Institute of International Studies and Planet Labs Inc. showing the damage caused by the Iranian missile strike on the Ain al-Asad air base in Iraq.


Credit: AP/Planet/Middlebury Institute of International Studies​


Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has urged militias not to start military action and to instead be patient – adding that he believes the crisis is over following speeches from Washington and Tehran.


He added that a new, strong government should be formed in the next 15 days to safeguard the state’s sovereignty. 


“I call on the Iraqi factions to be deliberate, patient, and not to start military actions, and to shut down the extremist voices of some rogue elements until all political, parliamentary and international methods have been exhausted,” he said.


A scheduled meeting between UK foreign secretary Dominic Raab and his US counterpart Mike Pompeo has been brought forward to this evening, having previously been scheduled to take place in Washington tomorrow.

Mr Pompeo has already met with German and French officials following the strike on Iran’s top military commander.

Boris Johnson and Donald trump conducted a phone call earlier today – with little detail of the call released beyond a statement saying the British PM urged a deescalation of tensions.


Qatar’s foreign minister said on Wednesday that Qatar is closely following developments in Iraq, and seeking to coordinate with friendly countries to reduce tensions.

Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said in a tweet: “We seek through a series of communications to consult and coordinate with friendly and brotherly countries to calm and reduce escalation.” 


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed his government will get answers after a Ukrainian passenger jet crashed, killing 63 Canadians, just minutes after taking off from Iran’s capital.

The flight included many international students and a family of four. Trudeau said Wednesday his foreign minister is in touch with the government of Ukraine and his transport minister is reaching out to his international counterparts. Getting answers from Iran might prove difficult as Canada closed its embassy in Iran in 2012 and suspended diplomatic relations.

The crash came just hours after Iran fired missiles on Iraqi bases housing US soldiers – however Iranian officials said they suspected a mechanical issue brought down the Boeing 737.