/Trump impeachment news – live: Pence ‘considering’ invoking 25th amendment as Congress moves towards trial

Trump impeachment news – live: Pence ‘considering’ invoking 25th amendment as Congress moves towards trial

Pelosi urges Pence to remove Trump or Democrats will impeach him

The extraordinary move was still under consideration as Mr Pence considered there remains a risk the president could become more unstable during his last days in office, a source close to Mr Pence told CNN.

However there are concerns that using the amendment or pushing impeachment could encourage Mr Trump to act rashly thus putting the nation at even greater risk, the source added.

It comes as Congress inches closer to subjecting Mr Trump to a second impeachment, with House speaker Nancy Pelosi planning to introduce impeachment legislation this week should Mr Pence fail to remove Mr Trump from office.


Melania Trump barely mentions husband in first comments on Capitol riot

Melania Trump has made her first public comments following the end of the US Capitol riot last week. 

In the statement published on the White House website, she barely mentions her husband, but is quick to attack the “salacious gossip, unwarranted personal attacks, and false misleading accusations on me”. 

Those attacks are, she says, “from people who are looking to be relevant and have an agenda”. 

Elsewhere, she said she “absolutely condemns” the violence in Washington DC last week, which left her “disappointed and disheartened”. 

Melania Trump statement

Melania Trump statement

(White House)

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 11:31


Piers Morgan appears to express regret about support for ‘friend’ Donald Trump

Piers Morgan, who long boasted of his friendship with Donald Trump, has suggested he regrets previously defending the US president from critics following last week’s events. 

Asked if he has “thought twice” about his frequent backing of Mr Trump over his time as president, Morgan said: “No question, I never thought he would be capable of this.”

“He has played down to the very worst expectations and predictions of his worst critics,” Morgan added, branding Mr Trump a “threat to American democracy”.

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 11:20


Parler app, popular with with far right, removed from internet after pro-Trump riots

Social media app Parler has been removed from the internet in the wake of the violence in Washington, DC.

Amazon, which had provided the online tools to run the app, informed Parler that it would be cutting support from midnight local pacific time on Sunday. Soon after that deadline arrived, the site and its app went offline.

Visitors will now only see error messages informing them that the technology underpinning the site is not working properly.

Technology editor Andrew Griffin has more:

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 11:00


Federal aviation chief vows to take ‘action’ against Trump supporters disrupting flights

The head of the Federal Aviation Administration has said it will take “strong enforcement action” against Trump supporters who disrupt flights.

It comes amid reports pro-Trump passengers have caused issues on flights in and out of Washington DC, which last week saw right-wing rioters storm the US Capitol. 

Steve Dixon: “I expect all passengers to follow crew member instructions, which are in place for their safety and the safety of flight.”

Footage shared on social media last week showed Lindsay Graham, a staunch supporter of Donald Trump, being harassed at an airport by Trump supporters who considered him insufficiently loyal.

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 10:42


Black Capitol police officer hailed a ‘hero’ for diverting pro-Trump mob from Senate chambers

A Black police officer seen diverting a pro-Trump mob away from the Senate’s entrance during the deadly attacks on the US Capitol has been celebrated as a hero.

A video, captured by HuffPost reporter Igor Bobic, appears to show the officer strategically diverting the mob away from a corridor leading to the Senate chambers, where lawmakers were convening to certify the 2020 presidential election on Wednesday.

Following a Trump “stop the steal” rally, hundreds of enraged white supremacists, QAnon conspiracy theorists and neo-Nazis flooded into the federal building, issuing threats to lawmakers and wreaking a path of destruction.

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 10:17


Pelosi makes Trump impeachment plan public

In a note to Democratic colleagues, House speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday outlined how the chamber will proceed in its impeachment plans for Donald Trump after his supporters stormed the US Capitol last week. 

Ms Pelosi said they will ask for unanimous consent on a resolution giving vice-president Mike Pence 24 hours to remove Mr Trump from office by using the 25th amendment. 

Should no representative challenge the resolution, which is highly unlikely, then it will be brought up for a vote in the Democratic-majority House on Tuesday. 

Should Mr Pence fail to respond to the resolution, the House will move to impeach the president, possibly as soon as Wednesday.

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 10:03


Trump National stripped of 2022 PGA Championship in wake of Capitol riots

The PGA of America’s board of directors have stripped Trump National, owned by the outgoing US President, of the rights to hold the 2022 edition of the PGA Championship.

The governing body’s president, Jim Richerson, said that hosting the major championship at Trump’s Bedminster course would be “detrimental” to the PGA of America’s image in the wake of rioters storming the Capitol.

The vote was held after Trump exhorted thousands of his supporters to march on the building last Wednesday, prompting mayhem as rioters breached the Capitol and caused both its chambers to be evacuated. Five people passed away during the chaos. 

Sports writer Tom Kershaw has more:

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 09:49


New footage shows pro-Trump rioters beating police officers

New footage of the Capitol riot obtained by CNN shows rioters violently attacking officers at the Capitol building. 

Towards the beginning of the clip, one rioter in a white hat and wearing a backpack can be seen pulling an officer down the steps before being beaten by the mob, including one with an American flag pole.

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 09:29


Melania Trump has ‘blood on her hands’ over Capitol riots, says former aide

Melania Trump has been accused of having “blood on her hands” by a former friend and adviser following the deadly riots by a pro-Trump mob at the US Capitol on Wednesday.

Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, who previously served as an aide to the first lady, penned a scathing editorial of the president and Mrs Trump in The Daily Beast.

“It was an assault on human life and our great democracy. Unfortunately, our president and first lady have little, if any, regard for either,” Ms Wolkoff wrote following the Capitol riots, calling the violence “shocking, awful, disheartening and shameful”.

Danielle Zoellner has more:

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 09:16


Schwarzenegger compares Capitol riot to Kristallnacht and says Trump ‘sought a coup’

Arnold Schwarzenegger, the actor and former Republican California governor, has compared the pro-Trump Capitol riot to Kristallnacht, the 1938 pogrom against Jews carried out by German citizens and Nazi paramilitary forces. 

The Terminator star’s tweet has gone hugely viral in the 20 hours since it was posted, having already been tweeted almost 400,000 times. 

It it, he reveals his family history of abuse by his father, who was suffering “emotional pain” following his involvement in the Second World War. 

Donald Trump, Mr Schwarzenegger said, is a “failed leader” who “will go down in history as the worst president ever”. 

Tom Embury-Dennis11 January 2021 08:51