/Trump impeachment news – live: President goes to Texas in first appearance since Capitol riot amid FBI warning

Trump impeachment news – live: President goes to Texas in first appearance since Capitol riot amid FBI warning

US House of Representatives convenes to try to remove Trump from office

Donald Trump has denied any responsibility for inciting last week’s storming of the US Capitol Building in Washington by supporters protesting his election defeat, insisting that his words to them beforehand were “totally appropriate”. 

With a state of emergency still in place in DC in the wake of the failed insurrection, the FBI has warned of further unrest being planned to coincide with Joe Biden’s inauguration on 20 January, prompting the National Guard to treble its presence in the American capital.

The president is visiting Alamo in Texas on Tuesday for his first public appearance since the shocking scenes on Capitol Hill as his deputy, Mike Pence, faces an ultimatum from Democrats: move to oust Mr Trump by invoking the 25th Amendment of the Constitution or he will face a second impeachment vote in the House of Representatives.


Trump says he’s at ‘zero risk’ of 25th Amendment but Joe Biden is

“The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Joe Biden and the Biden administration,” he says.

“As the expression goes be careful what you wish for.”

Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 20:14


Trump says they can’t let ‘next administration’ take down the wall

“We can’t even let the next administration even think about taking it down, if you can believe that, I don’t think that will happen, I think when you see what it does and how it’s so important for our country, nobody’s going to be touching it,” Trump says.

Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 20:12


Trump begins comments at border wall

“We’ve worked long and hard to get this done, they said it couldn’t be done, and we got it done,” he says to begin his remarks.

Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 20:10


Trump appears to autograph border wall on trip to Texas

As Donald Trump inspects his handiwork at the border with Mexico, the president appears to sign a portion of the wall with his John Hancock.

Predictions on what he could have written: “Trump waz here 2021. MAGA”


Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 20:05


Chuck Norris was not at Capitol Riot

Because if he was, the coup would of course have been successful.

The legendary actor’s manager was forced to deny his involvement after photos of the Texas Ranger’s doppelganger at the riot went viral.

“Chuck remains on his range in Texas where he has been with his family,” Kritzer said.  

He acknowledged that the man photographed looked somewhat like Norris but “Chuck is much more handsome.”

Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 20:05


Watch live with The Independent: Donald Trump visits border wall near Alamo, Texas

Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 19:58


Pence to governors: ‘Our time’ coming to an end

With eight days left of the Trump administration, Mike Pence is finally admitting their time is coming to an end.

On a call with governors over the coronavirus, the vice president said the administration is in the midst of the transition to a “new administrating” taking over, according to the Associated Press.

Pence thanked the governors for their leadership on the country’s response to the Covid pandemic, that they were working “diligently” to ensure a “seamless transition” so there is “no interruption in our continuous efforts to put the health of the American people first.”

Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 19:54


Democrats to give Trump ‘one more chance’ to resign or face impeachment, again

The ultimatum comes as House Democrats plan to vote as soon as Wednesday to vote on an article of impeachment of “inciting an insurrection”.

The House is voting on another resolution on Tuesday calling on Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment allowing Cabinet to remove the president from power.

But they’re giving Trump one last chance to take himself out of the game, according to Reuters.

Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 19:40


Twitter opposes social media censorship… in Uganda

The social media giant confirmed it works “in close coordination with out peers” to suspend accounts, in this instance in Uganda.

“Ahead of the Ugandan election, we’re hearing reports that Internet service providers are being ordered to block social media and messaging apps,” they said in a tweet.

“We strongly condemn internet shutdowns – they are hugely harmful, violate basic human rights and the principles of the #OpenInternet.”

It comes as big tech faces calls for anti-trust investigations over the removal from the internet of competitors to the Silicon Valley tech giants.

The company, meanwhile, lost at least $5bn in market value after banning Donald Trump from its platform,

Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 19:30


Mike Pompeo cancels Europe trip after leaders refuse to meet, reports

The Secretary of State scrapped his end-of-term trip to Belgium after Luxembourg’s foreign minister and top EU officials declined to take meetings.

Bloomberg White House correspondent Jennifer Jacobs was first to report the cancellation, while Reuters later confirmed it was over the European diplomats’ reluctance.

Spokeswoman Morgan Ortagus told AP the decision had been made to assist in the transition to the incoming Biden administration, and was not related to fears of violence following the Capitol riots.

US ambassador to the United Nations, Kelly Craft, reportedly cancelled a planned trip to Taiwan amid concerns following the Capitol riots.

Justin Vallejo12 January 2021 19:20