/Trump news – live: Air Force One flies over Mar-a-Lago before outgoing president lands for new life in Florida

Trump news – live: Air Force One flies over Mar-a-Lago before outgoing president lands for new life in Florida

Trump leaves White House for final time but warns: ‘It’s not a long goodbye’

“It was a privelege to be your president,” he told the small his farewell event at Joint Base Andrews before boarding Air Force One with wife Melania for the last time.

Before his term came to an official end, Trump slipped in a last-minute pardon for the husband of Fox News ally, Judge Jeanine Pirro.


Mike Pence and Kamala Harris share a moment at Biden inauguration

Donald Trump’s former vp ditched the ex-president’s farewell to attend in inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

By the looks of it, Harris was happy to see her counterpart as the ex- and current vice presidents shared this moment during the transfer of power.

Kamala Harris gestures towards Mike Pence ahead of the inauguration

Kamala Harris gestures towards Mike Pence ahead of the inauguration


Justin Vallejo20 January 2021 18:05


Final press pool report under the Trump White House

For the history books, here is the final report from the press pool in Mar-a-Lago covering the final moments of the White House of Donald Trump. By some “mystical powers”, the Potus pool magically re-appeared in Washington DC at midday:

“Pool is holding outside Mar-a-Lago. By some mystical powers the POTUS pool will dissolve in Palm Beach at midday to be replaced by POTUS pool in DC. For IT reasons, I am handing over to in-town Biden pool now, so that the messages can all be passed on OK. But the pool will monitor things here until midday just in case. It just remains for me to thank my fellow poolers on this historic day, for keeping things on the straight and narrow. And in particular to thank wrangler extraordinaire Margo Martin who kept us all in the right places and on time during her final day with the White House.”

Justin Vallejo20 January 2021 17:50


BREAKING: China sanctions former Trump administration leadership

Donald Trump was barely out the door when China issued sanctions on his top leadership, including Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Steve Bannon and Robert O’Brien, among others.

The report comes via White House correspondent Nicholas Wadhams, who says the sanctions prevent them traveling to, or doing business, with China. 

It comes after former secretary of state Pompeo officially recognised that China was committing genocide against Uighur Muslims.

Justin Vallejo20 January 2021 17:32


Trump slips in last-minute pardon for Fox News ally

In one his final acts in the white house, ex-president Trump pardoned the husband of Fox news host Judge Jeanine Pirro

Albert Pirro, was convicted of conspiracy and tax evasion in 2000, according to The Daily Beast, which confirmed the last-minute pardon.

“I’m in shock. I went to bed last night having read the list assuming I wasn’t getting a pardon,” Pirro told The Daily Beast. “It certainly is a nice act on the part of the president. It has been 20 years since I served my time and it allows me to engage again in public companies which I haven’t been able to do previously.”

Justin Vallejo20 January 2021 17:20


What would a new ‘Patriot Party’ run by Trump mean for US politics?

For Indy Premium, Sean O’Grady considers the future for post-Trump America.

Joe Sommerlad20 January 2021 17:15


The Trump Review: Donald Trump’s unprecedented presidency, from inauguration to insurrection

For a farewell look at the truly extraordinary last four years, might I humbly suggest you check out my 21-part Independent Premium series The Trump Review?

You can find links to all 21 articles in the summary below.

Joe Sommerlad20 January 2021 16:55


Biden sworn in as 46th president of United States

The presidency of Donald J Trump is dead. Long live the presidency of Joseph R Biden.

Justin Vallejo20 January 2021 16:54


One final pardon

Oh look, Fox News host Judge Jeannine Piro’s husband got clemency at the very last minute.

Joe Sommerlad20 January 2021 16:35


Trump touches down in Florida after Mar-a-Lago fly-by

The president and his family are about to step out of Air Force One for the final time, returning to life as private citizens.

Joe Sommerlad20 January 2021 16:15


Republican election deniers including Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley arrive for Biden inauguration

Former presidents Bill Clinton, George W Bush and Barack Obama have all taken their seats with their wives for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s big day in DC.

Joining them are several of the Trumpist GOP senators who cheered on the Capitol rioters and continued to insist on their opposition to Biden’s election win even after the siege had taken place, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Jim Jordan among their craven number.

Chris Riotta has the latest.

Joe Sommerlad20 January 2021 16:05