/Trump news live — Congress overrides president’s veto for first time as Republicans torn over election dispute

Trump news live — Congress overrides president’s veto for first time as Republicans torn over election dispute

Senate overrides Trump’s veto of defense bill

A federal judge in Texas has thrown out a lawsuit filed by Rep. Louie Gohmert of Texas, alongside several Arizona Republicans, that seeks to force vice president Mike Pence to help overturn the president’s election next week when Congress is due to meet to count the Electoral College votes.

It comes after the Senate delivered a double rebuke to US president Donald Trump after overriding his veto of a sweeping defence bill for the first time and rejecting his demand for US$2,000 Covid-19 stimulus cheques.

The GOP has dealt Mr Trump a series of blows in the final weeks of his presidency, and is now divided over his election defeat challenge. Congress is expected to confirm the Electoral College results next week in a joint session, which will become a defining moment for the Republican Party.


Proud Boys will attend DC rallies for Trump in all-black ‘incognito’ uniforms

Leaders of the far-right Proud Boys group say they will attend Washington DC rallies for Donald Trump in an all-black “incognito” uniform.

The group is best know for its yellow and black colours, but will reportedly try and mimic the all-black of antifa groups on 6 January, according to chairman Enrique Tarrio.

Thousands of protestors are expected to descend on the city as Joe Biden’s victory over Mr Trump is certified by lawmakers.

Just last month a string of stabbings happened, as well as the burning of church BLM signs, following a pro-Trump rally in Washington DC.

“The ProudBoys will turn out in record numbers on Jan 6th but this time with a twist…” wrote Mr Tarrio on Parler.

“We will not be wearing our traditional Black and Yellow. We will be incognito and we will spread across downtown DC in smaller teams.

“And who knows….we might dress in all BLACK for the occasion.

“The night calls for a BLACK tie event.”

Proud Boys plan marching in Washington DC for Trump

Proud Boys plan marching in Washington DC for Trump

(Getty Images)

Graeme Massie2 January 2021 21:51


Trump calls Georgia runoff ‘illegal’ as three million vote early in worrying sign for GOP

Donald Trump has called the Georgia runoff election “illegal” despite a record three million people already having cast their ballots early.

The outgoing president took to Twitter to brand the special election, which will decide control of the US Senate, as “both illegal and invalid.”

Graeme Massie2 January 2021 20:33


115k more Americans will die of Covid in January, leading model predicts

The US could see 115,000 more Covid deaths in January, a leading model has predicted.

Projections by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show the country smashing December’s death total of around 77,500.

Graeme Massie2 January 2021 19:47


Ted Cruz will lead 11 GOP senators to demand ‘emergency audit’ of election result in joint session of Congress

Ted Cruz will lead 11 GOP senators to demand an ‘emergency audit’ of the election result in Congress on 

The group of Republicans say they will object to the 6 January certification of Joe Biden’s win unless there is an emergency 10-day audit of the results by an election commission.

Mr Cruz is being joined by Ron Johnson, James Lankford, Steve Daines, John Kennedy,  Marsha Blackburn, Mike Braun, as well as Senators.-elect Cynthia Lummis, Roger Marshall, Bill Hagerty, and Tommy Tuberville.

Graeme Massie2 January 2021 18:22


US passes ‘historic’ anti-corruption law that effectively bans anonymous shell companies

The US has effectively banned anonymous shell companies from operating in the country with a new anti-corruption law, included in the annual National Defence Authorisation Act.

Advocacy group Transparency International called the new law “historic” and “one of the most important anti-corruption measures ever passed by the US Congress”.

Kate Ng2 January 2021 17:30


The wildest political moments in the US in 2020

Did you remember that in 2020, people thought World War III might materialise from escalated tensions between the US and Iran; Donald Trump was impeached; and Joe Biden told the president to “shut up”?

Griffin Connolly and John T. Bennett take you through the wildest political moments in the US in the past year:

Kate Ng2 January 2021 17:00


After pardon, Blackwater guard defiant: ‘I acted correctly’

One of four former Blackwater contractors pardoned by president Donald Trump has defended his actions during a 2007 shooting rampage in Baghdad that killed more than a dozen Iraqi civilians.

Evan Liberty told The Associated Press in his first interview since being released from prison: “I regret any innocent loss of life, but I’m just confident in how I acted and I can basically feel peace with that.”

Read the full story below:

Kate Ng2 January 2021 16:30


Trump should avoid ‘trap’ to provoke war, warns Iran’s foreign minister

Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has warned president Donald Trump on Saturday not to be “trapped” by an alleged Israeli plot to provoke a war through attacks on US forces in Iraq.

The US blames Iran-backed militia for regular attacks on us facilities in Iraq, including near the US embassy – though no known Iran-backed groups have claimed responsibility.

Mr Zarif said on the anniversary of the assassination of top Iranian general Qassem Soleimani by US drone strike in Iraq that “Israeli agent-provocateurs” are behind plans for attacks against Americans.

He wrote in a tweet: “New intelligence from Iraq indicate(s) that Israeli agent-provocateurs are plotting attacks against Americans putting an outgoing Trump in a bind with a fake casus belli (act justifying war).

“Be careful of a trap, @realDonaldTrump. Any fireworks will backfire badly.”

Kate Ng2 January 2021 16:09


Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi’s homes vandalised

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s home in Louisville, Kentucky, has been vandalised, a day after a home belonging to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was also sprayed with graffiti.

The vandalism on both properties referred to the Senate’s rejection of US$2,000 Covid-19 stimulus checks for Americans.

The words “Weres [sic] my money” were spray-painted onto the front door of Mr McConnell’s home last night, along with other explicit messages on his front porch.

In a statement on Saturday, he said: “I’ve spent my career fighting for the First Amendment and defending peaceful protest. I appreciate every Kentuckian who has engaged in the democratic process whether they agree with me or not.

“This is different. Vandalism and the politics of fear have no place in our society.

“My wife and I have never been intimidated by this toxic playbook. We just hope our neighbours in Louisville aren’t too inconvenienced by this radical tantrum.”

It comes after Ms Pelosi’s home had the phrases “$2K”, “Cancel rent!” and “We want everything” graffitied on the garage door.

According to ABC7, the vandals also left fake blood and what appeared to be a pig’s head outside the property in San Francisco.

San Francisco police confirmed they were called to a report of vandalism at 2am on 1 January.

Kate Ng2 January 2021 15:50


China warns of retaliation for NYSE’s delisting of companies

China has said it will take necessary countermeasures in response to the New York Stock Exchange’s announcement that it would delist three major Chinese telecoms – China Telecom Corp Ltd, China Mobile Ltd and China Unicom Hong Kong Ltd.

The move to delist the companies comes from an executive order by Donald Trump issued last November, which bars investment in publicly traded companies that the US government says are owned or controlled by the Chinese military.

Kate Ng2 January 2021 15:40