/Trump news – live: Four stabbed at DC rally as tensions flare on eve of Electoral College vote

Trump news – live: Four stabbed at DC rally as tensions flare on eve of Electoral College vote

Donald Trump has left the White House to go his Virginia golf club this morning after denouncing the 2020 presidential election result as a “Swing State hustle”.

The president has relentlessly promoted false claims that the election was rigged against him. When asked by Fox News this weekend whether recent court setbacks would signal the end of the road for his campaign, he replied: “No, it’s not over. We keep going and we’re going to continue to go forward.”

His comments came after several thousand of his supporters rallied in Washington DC on Saturday. Sporadic fighting broke out between pro-Trump and anti-Trump demonstrators after sunset, with police reporting four people were stabbed and at least 23 were arrested.


Donald Trump golfs despite surging Covid cases across the US

Donald Trump did not let the Covid surge across the country get in the way of his golf game.

The outgoing president was pictured playing at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, on Sunday.

An estimated 16.2 million people have tested positive for coronavirus and nearly 300,000 Americans have died during his stewardship of the pandemic.

Donald Trump golfs in Virginia despite surging Covid numbers

Donald Trump golfs in Virginia despite surging Covid numbers


Graeme Massie13 December 2020 20:10


Desperate Trump insists election is ‘not over’ as electoral college prepares to seal Biden victory on Monday

Donald Trump is not abandoning his hopes that he can remain president, even as the electoral college that is expected to cast more than 300 ballots for president-elect Joe Biden meets on Monday to vote.

“No, it’s not over. We keep going. And we’re going to continue to go forward,” Mr Trump said of his campaign’s challenges to the election results in a pre-taped interview with Fox & Friends Weekend.

The interview was recorded on Saturday and aired early on Sunday.

Graeme Massie13 December 2020 19:37


Karl Rove warns Trump America doesn’t like ‘sore losers’

Republican strategist Karl Rove has warned Donald Trump that American’s “don’t like sore losers.”

“America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers,” said Mr Rove on Fox News.

“If his goal is to lay the predicate to come back in 2024 and run again, he’s helping himself at least gain the nomination.” said Mr Rove.

“But I think in the long run, he’s not helping himself or the country. America likes comebacks, but they don’t like sore losers. 

“And he is on the edge of looking like a sore loser and probably will look like it after 6 January.”

Graeme Massie13 December 2020 18:25


Trump takes new shots at Georgia’s Republican governor

Donald Trump attacked Georgia’s Republican governor for being ‘worse than a Democrat’ during an interview with Fox News.

The outgoing president said that Brian Kemp, who he is angry with for not helping him overturn Joe Biden’s win in the state, was now “hurting” the chances of David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler in their senate run-off election.

Graeme Massie13 December 2020 17:47


Our reporter, Griffin Connolly, has more details below on Donald Trump’s latest desperate attempt to challenge the 2020 presidential election result:

Conrad Duncan13 December 2020 16:56


Far-right Proud Boys burn BLM banner while making white supremacy signs at DC rally

Members of the far-right Proud Boys group burned a Black Lives Matter banner while making white supremacy hand gestures at a Washington DC rally which turned violent on Saturday.

Video posted to social media showed at least two dozen white men encircling the blazing sign, hours after thousands of Trump supporters attended a “Stop The Steal” rally against the election results.

Our reporter, Matt Mathers, has the full story below:

Conrad Duncan13 December 2020 16:45


Trump leaves White House to head to Virginia golf club

Donald Trump has left the White House this morning to head to his Virginia golf club.

“POTUS, wearing a red campaign hat and a navy blue quarter-zip, hopped in a USSS SUV at 10:01am,” Christian Datoc, a correspondent for the right-wing Daily Caller website, reported.

“Motorcade pulled out of the WH gates at 10:04am.”

It came as the president once again attempted to deny his election defeat to Joe Biden on Sunday by making baseless claims of mass corruption.

Conrad Duncan13 December 2020 16:26


Donald Trump has threatened to veto a new defence bill passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives with large majorities this week.

The annual National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA), a $740bn bill setting defence policy, was backed in the Republican-controlled Senate by 84 votes to 13, meaning senators would easily be able to override Mr Trump’s veto.

Conrad Duncan13 December 2020 16:14


Republican House minority whip Steve Scalise has suggested that he will not recognise Joe Biden as the president-elect even after the Electoral College approves his win in last month’s presidential election.

Conrad Duncan13 December 2020 16:04


US expects to immunise 100 million people by end of March, adviser says

The US expects to have immunised 100 million people with the coronavirus vaccine by the end of March, according to the chief adviser for the US Covid-19 vaccine programme.

“We would have immunised 100 million people by the first quarter of 2021,” Dr Moncef Slaoui, chief adviser to Operation Warp Speed, told Fox News on Sunday.

He said the US hoped to have about 40 million doses of vaccine distributed by the end of December, including the recently-authorised Pfizer vaccine and one from Moderna which is expected to receive authorisation soon.

Another 50 million to 80 million doses will be distributed in January, and the same number in February, Dr Slaoui said. The vaccine requires two shots per person.

He added that the US would need to immunise about 75 to 80 per cent of the population to achieve “herd immunity” and stop transmission of the virus – a goal he hoped would be achieved at some point between May and June.

“It is, however, critical that most of the American people decide and accept to take the vaccine,” Dr Slaoui said. “We are very concerned by the hesitancy that we see.”

Conrad Duncan13 December 2020 15:58