/Trump news – live: President edges towards admitting defeat as he ‘prepares to announce 2024 bid’

Trump news – live: President edges towards admitting defeat as he ‘prepares to announce 2024 bid’

President Donald Trump speaks in the Rose Garden of the White House, Friday, 13 November

Supporters at a far-right rally in Washington DC in support of Donald Trump’s baseless claims of election fraud have swarmed the US president’s SUV as he drove past the event. 

Mr Trump waved at supporters as he left the White House on Saturday morning, heading to his golf club in Virginia for the 282nd game of his presidency.

It came the day after Mr Trump appeared to come closer than ever in admitting defeat to Joe Biden in the presidential election.

On Friday, he called the electoral college result in Arizona “a very close loss”, before telling reporters at a coronavirus vaccine briefing – in his first public comments since election day – that “time will tell” if his administration is replaced by a Biden one. 


A small group of Trump supporters stood alongside a similar number of protesters to greet the presidential motorcade when it arrived at Trump National Golf Course in Sterling, Virginia, on Saturday morning.

One sign reads: “We voted. You’re fired!”


Oliver O’Connell14 November 2020 17:23


Biden tipped to appoint first woman as Pentagon chief

US president-elect Joe Biden is expected to select a woman to head the Pentagon for the first time, with veteran Pentagon moderate Michele Flournoy the frontrunner.

Five men have held the top job under Donald Trump, and the most recent defence secretary to exit was Mark Esper, who was fired on Monday after pushing back on the use of military to stop civilian unrest.

The most recent defence secretary to go was Mark Esper, who was fired by Mr Trump on Monday after pushing back on issues including troop withdrawals and the use of the military to quell civilian unrest.

Tom Embury-Dennis14 November 2020 16:59


White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany has tweeted without providing evidence that “more than one million” have attended a rally in support of Donald Trump in Washington DC. 

That number is likely a large exaggeration – it is not yet clear there are even 10 per cent of that figure. More concrete numbers may be produced later on.

Tom Embury-Dennis14 November 2020 16:50


‘Million MAGA March’ in Washington DC gets underway

Here is more footage from people who are on the ground in Washington DC for the rally in support of Donald Trump: 

Tom Embury-Dennis14 November 2020 16:39


Pompeo arrives in France but start of awkward seven-nation tour

US secretary of state Mike Pompeo has arrived in Paris at the start of a seven-country tour of Europe and the Middle East.

Mr Pompeo’s travels are certain to be awkward since all the nations on his schedule have congratulated Joe Biden on his victory in the US presidential election.

The trip is aimed at shoring up the priorities of the outgoing administration of US president Donald Trump. It will include visits to Israeli settlements in the West Bank that have been avoided by previous secretaries of state.

The US’ top diplomat – as well as its president and much of his Republican Party – have not accepted the results of the American election, and the unusual circumstances will likely overshadow most other issues.

Insiders said low-key meetings have been set for Saturday with civil society, academia and the private sector. 

French foreign minister Jean-Yves Le Drian noted on Friday the “difficult subjects” on the table, such as the situation in Iraq and Iran, terrorism, the Middle East and China. “For the moment, my counterpart is Mike Pompeo, until January 20,” Mr Le Drian said on BFMTV, referring to the date when Mr Trump’s term in office ends. “He’s coming to Paris. I receive him.”

Tom Embury-Dennis14 November 2020 16:23


Trump threatens New York he could withhold coronavirus vaccine from state

Donald Trump has tweeted about the coronavirus vaccine, dangerously politicising the issue by suggesting that New York state will only be given access to the vaccine after other states have received it. 

The threat appears to be retaliation after governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, said in September he would have a panel of experts review a vaccine if it was rushed out by the Trump administration ahead of the election. 

Tom Embury-Dennis14 November 2020 16:01


More footage of Trump waving to supporters at MAGA rally

Here is clearer footage of Donald Trump’s waving to supporters in attendance at a far-right protest in support of his false election claims in Washington DC.

The US president is reportedly on his way to his personal golf club in Virginia.

Tom Embury-Dennis14 November 2020 15:57


Trump drives by MAGA rally in Washington DC

Donald Trump has been filmed driving by a far-right rally being put on to support his false claims about the election, which he refuses to concede. 

In the footage shared by CNN reporter Sara Sidner, Mr Trump can be seen waving to screaming fans as they chase after the SUV he’s travelling in.

Tom Embury-Dennis14 November 2020 15:44


Secret intelligence exists that ‘would cast Trump in very negative light’, warns ex-FBI chief

Former acting FBI director Andrew McCabe has warned that classified intelligence from bureau’s investigation into President Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign ties to Russia could contain information that would “risk casting the president in a very negative light”.

Mr McCabe has been at the centre of a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, in which a Republican-controlled panel is reviewing the FBI’s recision to initiate the investigation.

He testified before the panel on Tuesday and told lawmakers that officials had a “duty” to carry out the investigation due to the information they had collected. Mr McCabe personally approved the decision to investigate Mr Trump for possible obstruction of justice.

Tom Embury-Dennis14 November 2020 15:28


Proud Boys gather for pro-Trump rally in Washington DC

Huffington post reporter Hannah Allam, who is in Washington DC this morning, reports a pro-Trump rally being held in the capital is seeing the arrival of “dozens” of Proud Boys, a far-right male-only group which promotes political violence in the US. 

Donald Trump on Twitter yesterday suggested he may “stop by and say hello” to demonstrators.

Tom Embury-Dennis14 November 2020 15:14