/Trump news – live: President holes up in White House to watch news as Washington DC erupts in violence

Trump news – live: President holes up in White House to watch news as Washington DC erupts in violence

Rioters are seen storming the US Capitol as Donald Trump sits in White House watching the news

Donald Trump has called for peace from the rioters at the US Capitol, hours after he encouraged them to march on the building at a time when Congress was gathered to certify the election results.

In a tweet, Mr Trump did not tell the rioters to stand down but instead asked that they remain “peaceful” against Capitol Police and other members of law enforcement. This tweet came more than an hour after rioters breached the US Capitol and first started to display violence against police officers. 

Mr Trump is reportedly watching the news in a private dining room off the Oval Office currently as Washington DC descends into chaos. Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, announced the National Guard would be called in to the US Capitol to assist the Capitol police in dispersing the rioters. 

The US Capitol building is currently under lockdown given the chaos in Washington DC. All members of Congress were in the House and Senate chambers to vote on certifying the election results, but they are now in recess. Mr Trump has put pressure on Mike Pence to challenge the certification of the Electoral College, but the vice president does not have the power to do so. 


Trump releases a taped statement where he asks for rioters to go home

Donald Trump has released a message calling for “peace”, saying that he “loves” the rioters despite the violence they’ve displayed at the US Capitol. 

“I love you, but go home in peace,” Mr Trump said at the end of the message. 

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 21:22


Biden calls for an end to the violence in a national address

President-elect Joe Biden has called for an end to the violence being displayed at the US Capitol building in Washington DC. 

“This borders on sedition and it must end now,” Mr Biden said. “I call on this mob to pull back and let the work of Democracy move forward.” 

He went on to state the power of a president’s words before imploring Donald Trump to address the nation about the violence being demonstrated currently. 

“The words of a president matter. At best, the words of a president can inspire. At the worst, it can incite, ” he said, adding:”Therefore, I call on President Trump to go on national television now to fulfil his oath and defend the Constitution and demand an end to this siege. To storm the Capitol, to smash windows … it’s not a protest, it’s insurrection … The world’s watching.

“I am genuinely shocked and sad that our nation, so long the beacon of light and hope for Democracy, has come to such a dark moment.” 

Mr Trump is reportedly in the White House watching the news right now. 

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 21:19


Democratic leadership call on Trump to ‘demand’ for rioters to leave US Capitol

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer have released a joint statement targeted at Donald Trump amid the violence at the US Capitol. 

“We are calling on President Trump to demand that all protesters leave the US Capitol and Capitol grounds immediately.” 

The statement comes as the National Guard has been called in to assist Capitol Police on removing the rioters on the US Capitol. 

Mr Trump has tweeted for these rioters to “remain peaceful” but he has not called for them to immediately disperse from the building. 

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 21:00


BREAKING: Woman in ‘critical condition’ after being shot on Capitol grounds

A woman has been shot during the chaos in the Capitol in Washington, DC after pro-Trump rioters stormed the building.

Multiple reports emerged of a person being shot before a video was posted to Twitter showing the incident.

In the footage a shot is heard before people scatter and the victim is seen lying on the floor.

Oliver O’Connell has the breaking news: 

Woman shot at Capitol riots

A woman has been shot during the chaos in the Capitol in Washington, DC after pro-Trump rioters stormed the building.

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 20:49


National Guard is deployed to the US Capitol

Kayleigh McEnany, the White House press secretary, has announced the National Guard will be deployed to the US Capitol at the direction of Donald Trump. 

This announcement comes after rioters breached the US Capitol earlier on Wednesday and used violence against police officers. 

Mr Trump has asked for these rioters to remain “peaceful” against the rioters, but he has not called for them to disperse. Now the National will reportedly assist Capitol Police in dispersing the crowd. 

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 20:41


Trump supporters clash with police on Capitol steps

Trump supporters clash with police on Capitol steps

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 20:24


President tweets for everyone to ‘remain peaceful’ in latest tweet

Donald Trump has again tweeted for people in the US Capitol to “remain peaceful”, reminding them that the Republican Party is supposedly the “Law and Order” party.  But the president did not encourage the rioters to disperse. 

His tweets come after some of his strongest GOP allies implored him to encourage the rioters to disperse. 

Republican Senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz both tweeted for the violence to stop at the US Capitol. Mr Rubio even went as far as to ask for the president to “restore order” among the rioters. 

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 20:19


Trump is reportedly in a White House private dining room watching the news

Donald Trump has reportedly holed up in a White House private dining room to watch the chaos happening at the US Capitol in Washington DC, Bloomberg News reports. 

The dining room is reportedly off the Oval Office. 

Mr Trump has tweeted only once to encourage rioters to remain “peaceful”, but he has not asked them to disperse. 

Rioters have breached the US Capitol and displayed violence against Capitol Police and law enforcement officers. 

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 20:10


Mitt Romney calls violence at US Capitol ‘insurrection’ while blaming Trump

Republican Senator Mitt Romney has reportedly spoken against Donald Trump and the violence being displayed currently at the US Capitol Building. 

“This is what the president has caused today, this insurrection,” Mr Romney told reporter Jonathan Martin of The New York Times

Mr Trump has called for the rioters to be “peaceful” at the US Capitol, but he has not asked for the people to disperse given the violence that is being displayed. 

Congress was meeting in both the House and Senate chambers of the Capitol to certify the election results. But they are now at recess given the security risk. 

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 20:00


President calls for the rioters to remain ‘peaceful’ in tweet

Donald Trump has finally called for peace from his supporters in a tweet, just a few hours after he goaded them to march on the US Capitol. 

This was not a call for the rioters to stop what they were doing, but he did ask for them to be “peaceful” against police. 

Mr Trump remained silent for about an hour as protesters stormed the Capitol and displayed violence against the police. The above tweet was the first time Mr Trump said anything about the violence. 

Danielle Zoellner6 January 2021 19:44