/Trump news – live: President tells police ‘don’t hold back!!!’ as 20 arrested after MAGA rally turns violent

Trump news – live: President tells police ‘don’t hold back!!!’ as 20 arrested after MAGA rally turns violent

Police officers stand in line as they monitor a protest following the ‘Million MAGA March’ from Freedom Plaza to the Supreme Court

Several thousand Donald Trump supporters gathered in Washington DC to protest against the US election results on Saturday, with clashes erupting and at least 20 arrests made.

In a late night string of tweets, the president claimed “radical Left ANTIFA SCUM” had been to blame for the violence and urged the police to “do your job and don’t hold back!!!”

On Saturday, Mr Trump – who still refuses to concede defeat despite Joe Biden having secured a decisive electoral college victory – spent another day playing golf. 

The president insisted there was “tremendous evidence of wide spread voter fraud” but failed to offer proof that there had been tampering on a scale large enough to tip the election in his favour.

Cries of “stop the steal” and “count every vote” from the crowd continued despite a broad coalition of top government and industry officials having declared that the 3 November voting and the following count unfolded smoothly with no more than the usual minor hiccups.


Pompeo begins seven-country world tour

Mike Pompeo is conducting a seven-country tour of Europe and the Middle East – a trip likely to present awkward moments for the US secretary of state since all the nations on his schedule have congratulated president-elect Joe Biden for winning the White House.

Mr Pompeo is taking part in what may be his last official trip to France, tweeting out news of his arrival on Saturday.

The trip is aimed at shoring up the priorities of the outgoing administration of Donald Trump.

It will include visits to Israeli settlements in the West Bank that have been avoided by previous secretaries of state.

Mr Pompeo has followed Mr Trump and much of his Republican Party in not accepting the results of the American election, and these unusual circumstances will likely overshadow the issues.

After France, Mr Pompeo’s tour takes him to Turkey, Georgia, Israel, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The leaders of all of those countries have offered public congratulations to Mr Biden.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (C) and his wife Susan (R) embrace US Ambassador to France Jamie McCourt (L) after stepping off a plane at Paris Le Bourget Airport

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (C) and his wife Susan (R) embrace US Ambassador to France Jamie McCourt (L) after stepping off a plane at Paris Le Bourget Airport

(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Tom Batchelor15 November 2020 10:13


White House press secretary falsely claims ‘one million’ in DC for protest

The Trump administration is leaving office the same way it started: lying about crowd size.

White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany, who pointedly promised in May to “never” lie to Americans, falsely tweeted that Saturday’s “Million MAGA March” in support of the president lived up to its name.

Here is the full story: 

Tom Batchelor15 November 2020 09:52


Trump’s America absent from world’s largest free trade bloc

Fifteen Asia-Pacific economies formed the world’s largest free trade bloc on Sunday, a China-backed deal that excludes the United States, which had left a rival Asia-Pacific grouping under Trump.

The US is absent from both RCEP and the successor to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), leaving the world’s biggest economy out of two trade groups that span the fastest-growing region on earth.

RCEP will account for 30 per cent of the global economy, 30 per cent of the global population and reach 2.2 billion consumers, host Vietnam said on Sunday.

Meanwhile, Taiwan is making moves to shore up ties with the incoming Biden administration.

The island’s de facto US ambassador spoke with Antony Blinken, a longtime confidant of President-elect Joe Biden on Saturday.

Tom Batchelor15 November 2020 09:31


Trump’s refusal to concede defeat will ‘cost dearly’ in American lives

Susan Rice, a former top diplomat and national security adviser during the Obama administration, is the latest in a group of bipartisan leaders saying Donald Trump’s refusal to concede the election and formally begin the transition process is harming national security – with a warning that his actions could “cost us dearly in terms of American lives”.

Critics of the president might think that is already playing out with Saturday night’s clashes in Washington.

Here is the full story: 

Tom Batchelor15 November 2020 09:23


Trump attacks ‘scum’ counter-protesters in late night Twitter rant

The president took to Twitter at just before midnight, Washington time, to offer his thoughts on the violent clashes. 

A variety of charges, including assault and weapons possession, were filed against those arrested, officials said. Two police officers were injured and several firearms were recovered. 

Earlier in the day he had given an approving nod to the gathering by dispatching his motorcade through streets lined with supporters before rolling on to his Virginia golf club.

Here is how the president responded: 

Tom Batchelor15 November 2020 09:01


Trump marches across the US, in photos

Supporters of US President Donald J. Trump face counter protesters as they rally at the state capitol in Sacramento, California


Trump has refused to concede the 2020 Presidential election to his Democratic challenger


Two people, one of them with a Proud Boys shirt, gesture with the White Power sign, as supporters of Trump gather in Freedom Plaza, in Washington, DC


A supporter of Trump faces a counter protester in Washington


Members of the Proud Boys clash with Black Lives Matter protesters in Washington

(Getty Images)

Tom Batchelor15 November 2020 08:56


MAGA rallies turn violent across the US

Several thousand Trump backers gathered in Washington to protest against the election .

There was at least one stabbing and 20 arrests in the US capital and several other cities saw gatherings of Trump supporters unwilling to accept Democrat Joe Biden’s Electoral College and popular vote victory.

Cries of “stop the steal” and “count every vote” continued in spite of a lack of evidence of voter fraud or other problems that could reverse the result.

After night fell, the relatively peaceful demonstrations in Washington turned from tense to violent.

Videos posted on social media showed fistfights, projectiles and clubs as Trump supporters clashed with those demanding they take their banners and leave.

Tom Batchelor15 November 2020 08:48


Good morning and welcome to our rolling coverage of all things Donald Trump, after a night of clashes in Washington following a “Make America Great Again” rally that turned violent. 

Tom Batchelor15 November 2020 08:46