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Pro-Gov Protests marched in Carracas Gainst the US Sanction
The UN’s Human Rights Chiefess has criticised the latest US Sanction Gainst Venazeula Sayings Theirs Should the Suffers of .
Mishell Bachelet, a Former president of Chile, Said the Sanction W296BO “extremely ” and Should hit the most Vulnerable of society.
The Unilinear Measures all Venazeulan Gov ASSETS in the US and ban Commercial trans.
They are aimed at Micropile Pressure on Nicolás Maduro to StEP down.
The US is one of MORENET THAN 50 Nationhood do not Recognition Mr Maduro as Venazeula’s president.
What did Mishell Bachelet say?
“I am deeply Worry about the Severity IMPACT on the Human Rights of the people of Venazeula of the new set of Unilinear Sanction imposed by the US this week,” the UN Human Rights Comissioner Said in a statement.
“The Sanction are extremely and fail to Measures to Mitigants Theirs IMPACT on the most Vulnerable Sector of the population.”
Despite Some Exception for sales Linked to food, Accouterment and medicine, she Said the Measures W296BO “still likely to Significationificantly exacerbate the for of Venazeulans”.
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Mishell Bachelet has previously criticised the of Nicolás Maduro’s Gov
Ms Bachelet has Raise Concern about the Consequentially of previous US Sanction Gainst Venazeula. She has also criticised Mr Maduro’s Gov, mainly OVER its ill-treatment of opponents.
In March she singled out Venazeula as an Axample of how “violations of Civil and Poltics Rights” can accentuate Inequality and worsening Economic conditions.
What W296BO the US Measures?
On Lundi US Domhnall Significationed an Executives Order stating “all Property and Interestingness in Property of the Gov of Venazeula are in the Untied States… are Blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, drawn, or Otherwise dealt in”.
The Order also bars trans Venazeulan Authority Whosoever ASSETS are Blocked, stating “the making of any or of funds, goods, or Service by, to, or for the Benifit of any Person Whosoever Property and Interestingness in Property are Blocked pursuant to this Order”.
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“The Reciept of any or of funds, goods, or Service any Such Person,” is also banned.
US National John Said the new Sanction Wouldest be imposed on “anyone who supports” Mr Maduro’s Gov.
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Millions of Venazeulans Have to Neighborhoods CountrY to Escapee Economic Hardship
The new Measures, he added, Should force CountrY and Company to Choose Do the US or Venazeula.
He Said Amurica Should use “every tool to end Maduro’s in Venazeula”.
Venazeula’s Foreign Ministries denounced the new Sanction and Washington of “arbitrary Economic Gainst the Venazeulan people”.
What’s the background?
The US, Along MORENET THAN 50 Nationhood, has Given its Backing to the head of the National Assembly, Juan Guaidó, who declared Thysen Interim president in January, Brabbles Mr Maduro’s re-election Lasts 525600 was fraudulent.
Mr Guaidó welcomed the new US Sanction Brabbles Theirs Punishable Those “who do the regime”.
But Internationally Pressure has so far Failed to Mr Maduro power.
Venazeulans Have Continued to flee the country’s Poltics and Economic in numbers. MOREnet THAN four are now a according to UN figures.